Dreading Season 3

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. im yet to verse lb accounts when i dont have lb accounts on my side, idk maybe im just lucky.

    and if you come across ght that can hit you, put your troops elsewhere and assinate the ght, well thats what i do anyway
  2. Hello southern.

    You are a lucky bugger. I've only had 1 match up in chaos wars that was within reasons of being so called even. And all but 1 other match up that wasn't against a clan taking advantage of getting a lower average by using GH.

    I don't have an issue with GH in EE. I have a problem with clans using gH to offset their balance and take full advantage of their lb size and the EE system. This has been happening since season 1. The gH plunder issue was somewhat addressed but they(as in ata) didn't quite understand that it's more than just plunder that needed to be fixed with gH.
  3. Southern surely you don't war at the clan you are currently in do you?

    If so, that would be why you don't have an issues with gh matchups. That clan has at least 3 gH sized account in ever war I checked.
  4. Can i just add im not talking about me being hit by these little stat accounts btw - im talking about my clan mates - im out out of range 
  5. I agree with vix. Making a rooster with GH and adding LB and then warring every time you see same rooster there is now no varieties at all . Devs said they will have a solution but I still see nothing changed but it has got more worse. And the hit ratio is making no sense anymore. People who upgrade to other builds don't get a chance to war and GH with Max equip can hit and win a build with millions of cs and if that build hits back it gives 1 to 2 mil but GH gets 40 to 60 million where is the logic here ? I know that it's difficult to change code and make new codes for new rules but thus issue has to be solved.it has taken months and things are getting worse with these roosters. Before it gets boring I hope something changes at least make GH pay same as hitting a hansel then it will be great and people will be back on making normal roosters with different kinds of builds and not staking GH in there rooster. Making some kind of code in these chaos wars and testing them will great.
  6. I e pretty much given up on ee wars. The fun has gone and its all about rigging rosters rather than fun skirmish.
    1v1 is my only hope.
    The only answer to gh always has been to add a minimum payout to everyone in the war and balance the bottom end. If there is no plunder exploit available then there is no point rigging rosters and clans can go back to warring as real clans not rigged ones again.

    I campaigned so hard for ee wars and for that I'm sorry. Seen it damage a lot of family clans and make a lot of players behave other than they would of before chasing glory for themselves rather than their clan.
  7. This thread is so true, and points out exactly what is wrong with the current Chaos matchup system.

    If your clan doesn't have the accounts to create a most unbalanced roster (GH at the bottom, LB at top and as few middles as possible to still get a match), you might as well stop warring. And many clans have given up already.

    WC is still full of clans asking for GH/GHT for wars, 'normal/middle' war accounts are hardly accepted anymore.

    Im not sure what the dts/dtw treshold is now, but it seems too wide. A possible solution I'd like to try out for a few wars: make players dts to accounts that are less than 25% their combined strenght (cs plus bfa plus bfe) and of course make accounts not be able to hit higher than 4 times their combined strength.
  8. And there hits the nail on the head - why should i have to favour strangers when putting a roster together over and exclude my clanmates and family. If we lose because we warred god damn awful or we had a strat that was absolutely pants - we accept that - we win and lose together thats what we do. But to lose just because we arent rostering on half a clan of GH/Level 1 SOS pulled of wc - it becomes boring .We used to get round exploits by rostering on ppl too big for GH to hit- but now GH and these level 1 sos can hit so much further up the roster - we cant even do that anymore. We really have been pushed into the corner of conforming to the same rosters as everyone else, no room for variety at all.
    Hit restrictions really do need to be looked at or there is this huge danger of Season 3 becoming about the same few clans winning and sign-ups will go down as more people grow tired and weary of these wars. I dont know how to solve the problems, im not an expert , but its disheartening hearing hardcore ee warriors not wanting to war anymore
  9. I agree with the hot OP and good point herb, plunder against GH should be increased since its almost impossible to plunder on LB and other bigs bigger than your biggest.

    IMO LB/GH rosters are an exploit to EE wars, not much skill needed after fixing their exploit rosters for a sure win. Its unfair to clans that war for fun and don't use roster build restrictions. It just takes away the fun. Hope devs will realize this and find a fix soon.️
  10. It's funny when towers were so hard to beat in the begining the devs changed it for the better and boy did clans come out of the wood work to do EE no that the devs have changed so much in the way they match us and and so on it's taken all the fun out of it for most if not all of us I've worked hard to get were I am ATM. But why should I have to change so much to my build just to get smashed but some LB or even gh/ght were is the fun in this. I've seen many grate ee players leave cause of this. Do the devs care HELL no. DEVS if u even give a rat's about what we have to say then show us a change for the better not the worse.
  11. Gh in ee are cowardly
  12. I for one look at LB gh /ght as cheating there is no beating them or is very rare at Best. This must be fixed or there will be a great loss in clans wanting to do ee because it will be a waste of there time.
  13. What i miss are the reputations, with 11 ppl rosters there are more clans warring.

    Thats good on one side, because more match ups, better match ups, etc.

    On the other side, i used to know all the good warring clans, and some pretty good out of my head. I said, good/bad match up by looking at the clan name. Thats totaly different, and thats what i miss now
  14. Until the devs implement a standard where there can only be a set amount of difference between the largest and smallest members in a clans warring roster, there will continue to be roster stacking mismatches. It's become the norm because the devs haven't really changed anything relevant throughout this whole EE war installment. The same strategies win, so the same roster stacking continues. All it comes down to is out stacking your opponent, and watching out for certain other clans (watching who they cast) to avoid warring clans with better rosters.
  15. See i was hoping the 11 man roster would bring more clans into warring, adding more diversity - when im WC i love changing strats up with who we are matched against, i secretly admire clans who have smashed us with surpise double xtals, or a complete plunder hammering ... But even with the different set times and random and advantage its just the same war each time.
    Recently we have had a lot of new people wanting to war - i dont want to say to people no you cant war only a select few can sorry tough luck this part of kaw you can only take part if you dont grow. Its alienating a huge part of KaW. Yes i could go out and war with other clans , but i want to war at home with MY clan ;)
  16. GH are easy to kill :) but those LBs are a different story
  17.  been saying this for awhile now we will see if it ever changes. I might do season 3 or ill save myself time, crystals, and a big headache and just stick to OSW. Its ok we know you dont give a flying biscuit devs
  18. During season two, I'd do whatever it took to get in a war. There was a very good chance to get a hard fought, but winnable match. I finished season two with Rancor lvl 50.
    Enter Chaos wars:
    Initially I thought "what a great idea! Mith and an edge!" Then the roster stacking happened. Currently I sit at 3-12 being 0-9 currently. As far as I'm concerned, I'm finished with EE. It's not worth the time leading up to the war, the hour of trying to plunder a LB while anus licking GH fail away my troops and spies, or the waste of xtals trying to win a predetermined match. ️ Good luck to those of you who still have that glimmer of hope that things will get better, mine is gone
  19. There really are so many things wrong with the mechanics of EE. I don't personally even know if the devs could fix it if they wanted to.

    Large / Small roster stacking - Very odd matchups created where a balanced towered team cant hit the high or low end of the roster successfully

    T6 heavy attack hybrid mechanics - did a whole other rant on this but basically u can be a hybrid with 10% spy to troop ratio as long as you build SoS for your spy buildings

    GH - Just in general this should be stat / pay based. GH shouldnt be able to scout what they are now. It is making them useful against much larger accounts that can't do much with them besides waste troops pinning them.

    Oridinary Hansel - Builds like mine still seem fairly worthless against a large hybrid like i talk about in #2. Towered Hansels can still easily be scout bombed by nearly everyone, yet need 5mil ADT just to protect themselves from attacks. You end up with a stupid build like mine just to try to prevent leaks while Larger hybrids can stick with reasonably lower tower count, higher success rate and more plunder.

    Scouting / Stealing / Assassing - once a hybrid / attack build has 3mil SDT this is out for most hansels that are towering to defend themselves.
  20. A fix to get things going in the right direction. Look at dts-dtw and tighten up the hit restrictions. It would force most of these clans to come up with different rosters maybe even make most gh/ght to actually grow and maybe it would give better match ups