Dreading Season 3

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. You don't need UA to clean a strip. Just have a fuckin guy with some BFA to hit the naked target for 1% a go
  2. You also take gold 1.33 times faster in this manner, meaning that even failed strips are less of a failure (you'd have taken more gold before being noticed). You spend 1-2 crystals and receive 50-75 mith. That's worth 3-5 strips. Perhaps more or less depending on how successful the war went.
  3. I just like running UA cause it looks pretty 
  4. You'll be good vix kotfe is a great clan
  5. Vix, does this mean i can reserve my spot for KoTFE season 3 now? 
  6. When one side stacks gH, you almost always end up in a situation where you have maybe 2-3 targets that are big enough to make plunder off of, but since the clan is stacked with gH those 2-3 plunder targets are extremely strong and almost always stronger than your number 1 in clan.

    This leaves you with 2-3 targets that are so much stronger than you, you will never beat them, and the rest of the targets are so small you can't plunder anywhere close to enough to keep it competitive. Meanwhile while your plundering 15m off a gH, the gH is making an easy 40 m a hit.

    I thought ata added EE wars to help with clan loyalty and reward clans that war together and stay together. Please correct me if I'm wrong on that being the original idea behind the new system. I see EE as doing the complete opposite.

    I really think that there should be a minimal payout in ee for plunder based upon lands owned. If a gh that has 55 lands can hit me and make crazy money, I should at least be able to make 55m(or however many lands in mil) off him.
  7. Support. Wars shouldn't b dominated by ppl with buildings we learn about in starting game tutorial. I think basing plunder just off attackers build is a good idea. Spy's would still have benefit of having easier time getting kos
  8. I agree with you vixen. EE wars aren't about war strategy. They are about clan composition. Which is also a strategy, I suppose. Fun if you're a leaderboard account or a guild hansel. Not fun for the rest of us.
  9. OP you are worried about 3.5 mil cs winning against 18 mil cs when you hold in your possession the sole objects that allow for you to do so.
    Bfe and bfa are what wins the wars. RH has massive success with gh and attack builds. They can't get knocked down because of all their bfa and bfe.

    OSW slows you. But that is the choice you make. Life is full of choices. Few of those roads cross.
  10. @OP maybe you need to skip these chaos wars and save for S3 so you can upgrade and adjust your build accordinly?

    Also i dont know if ive been lucky or whatever but these clans doing 8 gh/ght 3 att builds i havent come across them since they nerfed the gh, maybe they are still out there but i dont think as many.

    also you say why can gh get through on you? well i havent been touched by a gh inawhile, since they turned hit restrictions on, but if they can get through you need to look at their bfa? ive seen some gh with huge bfa, also compare bfe, if you have sucky bfe but they have rancor lvl 10 for example that plays in their favour, and sometimes its just unlucky for you n lucky for him.

    But i did see someone mention the gold won should be effected by how big the attacker is, i really like this idea
  11. Seriously? If you bigs n mids get enough towers gh can't hit you! Simple!! Stop moaning and build things to STOP gh getting through!!! Grow up!!
  12. ^ he's a good small. Gave my clan fits when we warred him lulz. Was a good war. Anyway, just build towers to counter smalls, works well and/or have some GH killer builds
  13. Towers aren't much help against roster of lb and gh. Yea the gh may not b able to hit u but the lb ppl will eat u up and even if u can hit hansel you'll make close to nothing. Problem isn't just that gh gets thru but the huge difference in plunder. Current system makes lb and ghs roster best strategy to use.
  14. Full support we want to war as a family grow clan enjoy war, but these Gh Lb clans are robbing clans who want to war as a family of the chance. What's the point of warring it only lb and gh have a chance of winning the wars. Devs need to match the top of roster if to big difference do not match them who care about total stats that does not equal a sane match up.
  15. i agree bout warring as a family. lemme rephrase, doing ee as a family.
  16. I agree, its impossible to win when its 3lb vs 0 lb and the bottom of roster is 5-6 gh. The only plunder you can get is off 2-3 players. If you could plunder gh then a clan would stand a chance but as things are now its impossible. Something needs to be fixed Devs
  17. These chaos wars have truly descended into madness. Current trend of clans employing atleast one untouchable LB opponent and filling rosta with equally untouchable GH, which lower average cs is a mockery of the system. Devs PLEASE look into this.
  18. How do you change your build to fight against an lb with 3 mil static spy defense and 2 mil static attack defense( at minimum ). The point being the only reason you even match up against them is because they use GH builds to balance their strength. So you can't win on lb and you can't attack the GH. At this point it's not even about winning or losing it's more about the wars being fun and they are not with a majority of the clans entering the wars today. If your going to have the dts/dtw turned on the you should take into account the amount of people that can effectively hit each other. If a GH has the BFE to hit me and win ( there are a few out there ) they make what 30,40,50 mil per attack? If I attack them I make 2 to 5 mil tops. A waste of troops for what is ultimately a plunder based war. Just some thoughts I wanted to share, there is no right or wrong it's only my opinion. Hopefully the devs still take the time to listen to the kawmmunity. 
  19. This LB idiocy makes EE wars pointless. Why bother warring if I'm warring constantly against LB? It's not fun to war anymore when there is no chance of winning. Give me a close, hard fought loss any day of the week, rather than these exercises in futility. 2 or 3 LB and 5 GH? This is a waste of time. Devs, fix this before people stop warring in droves.
  20. I personally liked the 4 hour wars the best, saw some incredible last minute turn arounds that were exhilarating. That's a word I would never like to put beside this horrid app but it was extremely interesting to see some one come from behind and win big the last hour of the 4 hour EE wars.....

    So season 3 just sounds like a waste of time and money, just like chaos wars and season 2 for that matter wasn't as enjoyable