drakian war

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *andrewks123 (01), Mar 5, 2012.

  1. So your telling me I should be scare of someone that hides behind people's backs?
  2. Not just noobs hate fg
  3. Well said wwesuperstar
  4. All this Zeus, Drakian, and Conquerors of Darkness crap is killing me.
  5. People that have been farmed, attacked, and destroyed by fg also hate it. Also there are rumors fg hacks peoples accounts
  6. Ss or it didn't happen lol
  7. There playing the game right go back to farmville
  8. Realboy, there's something called punctuation. Ever heard of it? Well use it. It makes reading text much easier, as well as making you sound like less of a noob.
  9. Well said realboy
  10. You too, Zombie.
  11. God dammit I wish I haddint reset. Now everybody thinks imma noob
  12. As in, you better learn grammar also.
  13. Watch out Zombie, revenge hurts like a *****
  14. Stats don't determine whether or not you're a noob. Numerous formers have little to no stats and are still vets.
  16. andrew has turned into such a brat
  17. I'm sorry -dusk- for not using punctuation all the time when it's only there to be read for a second then left. You see I'm not a nerd
  18. I'm not saying you're a nerd for using punctuation but you are for correcting others all the time :)
  19. He really isn't a nerd for using punctuation though :| .