Dragon Tale

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Utho (01), Jul 9, 2010.

  1. Btw eagle you have a part in chapter one just saying
  2. Yeah dragon is better than demon and yay.
  3. Haven't finished reading yet but it's really good!
  4. Hey. I'll always bump here. Btw I was demon king haha
  5. IK ๎•

    You're a DT celebrity ๎„‡
  6. Going to bump for all the noobs out there, and yes I am the nightmare from the story๎‰
  7. OMG that is totally awesome u should make another book. I read the whole way through and it blew my mind

  8. He did it was never completed.
  9. Then he should continue it
  10. Utho left KaW forever,
    He said he won't b coming back fir good

    His at university/college and he says he will have forgotten the game by the time his finished

    Yea there is another book but it's lost
  11. The Wizard Pt 1.

    "Sets troll trap"
    "Sets moose trap"
    "Sets noob trap"

    Chapter 1

    William sat on the edge of the cliff thinking about how complicated things were in his life now that he found out about his gifts. His mom had died, his best friend started dating the girl of his dreams, and he had just killed his dad.He needs to get out of here but he couldn't help but stare down to his old house it looked so small he couldn't help but stare. He heres a whimper and looks to see Oscar his dog looking at him

    " We really should get going shouldn't we"

    Oscar walked over to the car as if to say let's get a move on than. William smiled; dogs always seemed to understand him. He got up and walked to the car. Oscar barked suddenly and tackled William; when he hit the ground an explosion rattled his eardrums. He was dazed but got up and saw 2 figures staring at him. One burly and buff the other slight and small. The small one stepped forward and said

    " You shouldn't have refused our offer, your mom is the result of it"

    " You ***** I will kill you where you stand"

    " Just try it"

    Than the slight man put his and up and shot a white hot ball of fire right at William. William just barely got up his shield. The burly man than sent a bolt electricity right at Will's face he had to hop out if the way this time. The slight man said

    " leave him he's mine Nick"

    He started mumbleing a spell but yelled in pain to see Oscar biting his calf. He throws Oscar off his his leg and off the edge of the cliff without thinking William jumped off after him