Dragon Tale Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Utho (01), Jul 9, 2010.

  1. Awesome story, ur a great writer cuz, I hit ur cliff hanger, hope u have the next chapter soon!
  2. 
  3. So flipping awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Chapter 14 is up!
  5. Yay!!!!! About time I'm in it. Btw it's a great story
  6. 

    But ok first off, Psycho NEVER loses at Poker! so that's a fatal FLaw, Psycho is all Perfect and all powerful, Other than that, Perfect! :D
  8. Awesome as always, I love/hate how u always leave it as a cliff hanger. Love it bcuz it makes u a good writer, hate it bcuz I WANT MORE, lol
  9. I'll show you humble you little.....
  10. Utho can i b the captain of nightmares guards?
  11. No because Nightmare's guards aren't human but I know a good spot for you.
  12. Chapter 15 is up!
  13. What unto will b my spot?
  14. Can i be someone in the story plz?
  15. Okay Ilkar but people please stop asking and you'll know soon enough angus
  16. So when next chapter coming out love the book
  17. Today. I usually post a chapter a day but I wasn't able to yesterday