Dragon Melee Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 23, 2014.

  1. Update please , so curious. 
  2. Update this stupid thing already will ya! Sheesh
  3. This is why the devs don't respond to us. None of yall can read 
  4. @mr. Goofy barcode dash name on page 13.
    I spent the entire last event horning/sealing and running 4 jump clans while watching doors of the hte main clan to help people reach and maintain their lb position. I didn't make top 100. Didn't care. I am still admining and helping organize jumps for people other than myself so that others can also reach their tier goals. You can ask tons of people who are actively hunting right now if I have been selfish rather than helpful. Any of them could vouch. Gunna have to try harder than that if you want to make me look like a chump. 
  5. People in the top 10 be like

  6. Im anxious to see new update.
    Just passed 10hunit eggo
  7. Hunit was my auto correct lmao wth. 10k
  8. leaderboard maybe 3-4 times compare to current one
  9. @josiah

    Do you We read it for you ?
  10. its not monday in usa yet
  11. Erm, 1 ata is based in Canada, not usa 2. It is Monday in the majority of the USA now.
  12. Don't expect an update until about 12 hours
  13. update it plz
  14. Its hte. And rotwb
  15. All these bumps are scamming my feelings.. Kept thinking they finally updated the lb

  16. Lmao same here truffle, everytime I see it I have to look at the date posted to see if it's the new one or not
  17. ...you scammed me. I thought we were friends? How could you!
  18. Lol sorry truffle, that's for leaving ZG yesterday