Dragon Melee Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 23, 2014.

  1. The next update will be on Monday.
  2. I bet the leadeboard needs buthurt cream now as the only possible way to get that many mean lay that themselves :-D
  3. Now we know wim is a pushover..... I have 170-900b allies I need gone. 
  4. Can't wait till next update
  5. This thread should be renamed " the moron leader board" I mean haven't u all heard of the saying "fool me once shame on you....fool me twice shame on me."
  6. I'm gonna make the worlds biggest omelette.
  7. So you saying some suckers are actually sealing and horning for you to reach your position then? Not everyone gets that :D
  8. Even though Im not participating in this event, I wish luck to all the people competing/participating
  9. Update leaderboard please
  10. What so you know. It's the same names as that feather one
  11. Update it please
  12. It's kind of pointless to even have a leaderboard if it isn't updated daily.
  13. Why not just send out a notification update in your news feed with your current rank?
  14. Ian that'd be so cool

    But they don't want people to know their rank
  15. Yeah good idea lan
  16. When will it update ?
  17. On Monday. It's mentioned in the second sentence people.
  18. You guys talk so much  about the top players but if you were on top I bet you wouldn't be talking .......real 