This is very much like the Inheritence Cycle (Eragon books). But it's not badly written, might be a little easy to predict what will happen if u have read those books, but not bad iZaln, not bad at all
Thanks guys. And believe me, although it will soooo frikin bear a similarity to The Inheritance series, I have already plotted things out to be different, but the first two or three paragraphs are similar to Eragon's . I swear it will be different later on, but there may be similarities along the way. iZaln
I'm sure they r Chris but just saying that since I never read those eragon books I'm not gonna notice any similarities btween the two lol
TJ! I forgot... I preferred the name Eomer, so thats how i would easily remember you by. But nonetheless, you aswell are invited to sign up. Sowwies. iZaln