Re: Draft Wars [Official Thread] (First pre-season war: WAR 11) Nope just dont like liers and ones who ruin an asspect of a game i use to enjoy
Re: Draft Wars [Official Thread] next war time isnt scheduled In my personal opinion - this cannot work without devs support If they dun match clans according to how you guys r tryin to match clans - they can use your good intentions and still make bad matches I've stated it before in other threads - it is my belief that devs want clan wars to end. They r intentionally seekin to end clan wars and have all wars b indi wars. How do I know this...durin s5 they were able to create balenced rosters that were within 50m of each other; since s5 ended we have been seein rosters matched that r well more than 100m stat from each other. Their inability to match clans to cs has disappeared during clan wars but not indi wars. The result of this has caused many to turn from clan wars and participate in indi wars. With less ppl doin primals - it will b inevitable that devs will kill off primals. Dot has attempted to revive primals but devs have not responded to this thread. Why? Because they will not support this - their silence is damning.
Re: Draft Wars [Official Thread] next war time isnt scheduled Please devs correct this crap that has been going on. The only thing keeping this game together is the social aspect and this will hopefully reinvigorate a lot of people
Re: Draft Wars [Official Thread] next war time isnt scheduled Writing is on the wall - s5 all indi - currently primals avg 1-2 wars per time slot; that's 14-28 ppl warring - currently indi avg 5-7 wars per time slot; that's 70-126 ppl warring
Re: Draft Wars [Official Thread] next war time isnt scheduled I'd like to sign up. I can track any of them, so please add me to the list of trackers if any.
Re: Draft Wars [Official Thread] Next War: WAR 27 10-4-15 Thanks vik for anyone interested, NEXT WAR OCT 4TH, WAR 27
Re: Draft Wars [Official Thread] Next War: WAR 27 10-4-15 Waste of time a certain lb clan will mess it up for easy mith
Re: Draft Wars [Official Thread] Next War: WAR 27 10-4-15 Signed up. I suggested this idea a while back in nighthawks thread. Good to see people step up and execute
Re: Draft Wars [Official Thread] Next War: WAR 27 10-4-15 How can i opt out after already signing up?