Down with charmies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Bob_Sacamano, May 12, 2018.

  1. Charmies = Normies.

  2. Thats... Thats the idea
  3. Don’t think it’s against the TOU or ROC :lol:
  4. #SayNo2Charmies

  5. This is the problem. Kaw is advertised as a war game, but new players trying it have zero chance to do anything besides waste a dollar on xstal that gets eaten.
  6. no support. only thing that balances out lb is charms.
    new events charms and equips have great stats. make alts, get charms. it's simple. so what if smb wants to spent on an ice tail. 5-6 new eq charms get u same or better stats. Too lazy to unload? that's ur own problem.
  7. Lmao, you get a ton of xtals and eq and charms from events
  9. Banned op first for not scamming other players for charms
  10. Why has this not been locked? Eagle... where art thou oh Eagle?

  11. Sthu turdorken
  12. Anybody working on this?

  13. How about ban you for always being inactive on wars..

  14. I'm always in active on wars?.. News to me, I'll look into this.
  15. That stings a little huh?

  16. You're an idiot.