Double Drop rate and Bonus plunder event

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Tapin, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. Definitely not
  2. YES!!!!

    Just kidding, lol no support here.
  3. Pfft.
    They won't even do:
    BUY 1000 Crystals and get your next Crystal at 5% off!*

    *Taxes Included. The discounted Crystal must be purchased with a 2% networking fee and a 4% special ATA tax.[size/]
  4. Dammit. Enjoy the fail.
  5. Why no give players maybe 20 nobs on xmas or 3-5 xtals on xmas
  6. They do give xtals sometimes.... They haven't in awhile though
  7. Yea it's been a long time since they've given away a few Xstals. They used to give them out every month or two, it's been a long time now.
  8. @Dom, why would you hit op when inactive?? you scared you will get your a$$ owned when op is active?? 