Don't Spam the forums. (Framed! D:)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Deadly-, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. this brings up good memories of mine. lol.
  2. Hmmm, did the original op get deleted?
  3. yes.
    So, this was a noob thread, i was first comment, op was deleted, and i inherited the thread and remade it.
  4. "Cucumber in rear was failed suicide bid."

    Wth :lol:
  5. it was so,e ToU violating noob thread with a crappy title. I deleted the violation and gave ownership to deadly, making him look like a terrible OP. I did it as a joke. Deadly actually turned it around, renaming the thread and editing his post. I was impressed
  6. lmfao... how did i miss this??
  7. Wait, you did it on purpose? :shock:
  8. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. lol. Yea. But I was lurking the whole time it ran. I was ready to delete it if things went bad
  10. You copied those insurance commercials in their technique. But it was funny so its okay. :lol:
  11. this isnt deadlys thread?
  12. I remember this. Deadly made me have a good laugh after he edited it.
  13. :lol: and that's why Moose is awesome :lol:
  14. Oh, i was enjoying this until i read the post date. :lol:
  15. I got so confused at first bahahaha.
  16. Lol, how did I miss this...
  17. :lol: Great job Deadly!

    Good job moosey!