Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FARMTOWN, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. I preferred Orange Hand.
  2. A b2b hte clan? lol not even close
  3. This made me laugh- but actually I feel like ATA customer service has improved over the last year. They reply extremely fast to emails now. It used to take days

    But yeah I wouldn't seal at BH...
  4. Right!?! We see that rotwb in your eb history.

  5. This made me giggle
  6. They're a clan of mostly spies who used to call themselves OSW warriors then got their asses beat by apoc and have decided to try their hand at being premmies.
  7. Watch out guys its Spragga.

    Oh wait...
  8. one of our admins thought he was being funny. We have so many stacking up we have been debating opening OH simply for ROTWB. Wonder how many kawers would be up for it
  9. We still call ourselves an osw clan :) . People keep talking about the apoca war as if it offends us. I think those in BH who took part in the war are aware of how bad it was . What's important is how we are doing now and I'd say we have come a long way since then 
  10. I seal where ever I want thanks for the concern though op.
  11. Or $10..

    Oh wait.. :?
  12. 
  13. So you didn't go to "farmtown" on them?
  14. Really KAW doesn't need an explanation of how black hand runs their clan.

    I am surprised that the dude isn't a perm clan farm for just posting this thread.
  15. Isn't that a lame Facebook game? Lmao
  16. I dunno..
    I dont do facebook.
  17. OP any reputable farmer would be sealing at a proper hte clan, moving gold from alts, and prepping a strip on their "homeclan" that
    kicked them.

  18. LOL Blackhand still at it? I wonder if any of my old friends are still there....
  19. Go to a legit hte clan then
  20. Cf granted.