Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FARMTOWN, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. * looks up crackdown* lol

    Change subject. You were kicked for your rudeness toward admins. I would have let you back after you have cooled down but this thread? I don't know now. Either way this can be discussed in private. I have HtE to hit * moonface*
  2. So you got "righteously indignant" before you even gave BH admin an opportunity to fix the situation? And that reaction, after you just said it was only $6?

    Of course BH didn't simply decide to kick the pot violator. They were going to give him the opportunity to make restitution and from what I am reading, the violator would have. Sometimes new players come into the game and they make mistakes.

    Not even a member of BH. Every now and then you see people go to clans doing B2B HTE that don't know how to reasonably resolve conflicts.
  3. Bh king of terror;

    It happens more often then it should. Ppl acting immature over a mistake in a game.

    I had a member who made a few mistakes when I ran an HTE clan. Spent an hour in pm during my own ffa seal and the result ended up with a good loyal clannie that's with us today after we shutdown our HTE clan.

    Hell last week had a guest freak out on zta when she asked for help with 30m left n still had a long way to get to 50% to start item phase. A friend of hers n a clannie had given her the item phase.

    She freaked cause ppl told her that came in told her with so little time left the items would need to be ffa.

    And they were right it was at a high risk of failure and was finished with 3m to spare
  4. Onesy we have ran HtE for 2 weeks during event and I can assure you not one person has been scammed off their seals. Everyone gets the days we advertise. The guest had 3 seals next. If he had refused he would have been kicked and I would have been more then fine with giving OP a phase.

    BH is an osw oriented clan simply conforming to basic need of HtE during events. Simply put we weren't given the chance to address the situation due to the rage in cc .
  5. Think the lesson to be learned is don't trust a clan who's members are in wc every day scamming allies off :lol: honestly if you go there you kinda expect it really
  6. Scamming seals and scamming allies are 2 different things. I wouldn't allow BH to take someone's money away from them especially if they are willing to drop their seals at our clan. I thank every guest for dropping their seals here :). Where would we be in this event without them 
  7. Upset is one thing acting immature is a different matter.

    Fact anytime someone is let into an HTE clan there is no guarantee they will even honor their commitment and seal. So you have to give the benefit of doubt and take action if it becomes necessary.

    For how long to farm? Really up to those committed to making peep pay.

    So 0nesy; in the end if the info presented is true and op has not denied what was posted here is untrue. His poor conduct put him in this circumstance.

    It sounds that if he had simply posted his upset on the issue n was patient he would have had his items replayed.

    Calm heads prevail; hotheads fail!
  8. Customer service as bad as ata.
  9. Try dealing with EA games on origin. Or for that matter the many mindless people that buy NHL game each year with minor improvements, updated player's stats n skins/textures

    At 60 to 80/year with the previous year's game losing pretty much all value. When they could have updated the game and sold you this year's game as a doc at half the price.

    At least until a real big change in game engine is done
  10. @Op don't tell me what to do. I do what I want
  11. 9.9/10 seems legit
  12. 

    Come to ours too OP
  13. Those of us who opted in should thanks 0nesy for supporting folks reaching their PvP goals.

    (At least I know he helped me a lot; even with an upgrade during)

  14. The entire time I've been at this clan he's been the only one that's been causing problems... even using his alt as a mouthpiece to talk like it wasn't obviously him.
  15. Oh yea top kek
  16. no
  17. Don't be a moron
  19. Only six dollars?!? ONLY SIX DOLLARS!?!
    Keep saying things like that and the devs next pay to play EB will be twenty dollars.