The Hansel build was around WAYYYYY before Pwars. In fact, it was being used Pre-Clan System. The common misconception of The Hansel Build: The only way for a Hansel to grow is by hitting OSFs, because of their low Attack. That is wrong. What that should read is "The only way for a Hansel Build player to grow, without putting in any effort and the least ammount of time, is to hit an OSF." If you think that without PWars, The Hansel Build is no longer able to grow, then you obviously have never used your Battle List.
Hansels rock in EBs. Altho ... Question to other hasels :: You tempted to add some more attack buildings so that you no longer have to fork out as much for pots? (obviously this would no longer make you a true hansel - but may be more cost effective)
Yeah what I meant was this in a pwar my hansel would make 23 first hit and 19 last hit now in eb"s u can only assassinate attacks mostly fail. Therefor you don't make as much. Money and you would make more as attack
@buckey I assassinate in eb and farm inactive @the same time. My pay has gone up, not down, with this tactic.
@ihelp yeah I have but for the lazy people like me. We don't buy pots. I would make 600mil an unload on my hansel in a pwar now I make Only 300mil from the bonus at the end if I unloaded only once