Don't call me a peasant, it hurts my feelings!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by W32SQLE_Anarchy, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. Show us your persuasive talent, op. Otherwise that 19% margin would increase. Come on give us some valid reasons why "member" would become a "peasant".

    ***In world chat somebody says, "Any peasant out there willing to help us on a failing eb?"
    "Recruiting peasants for war xxx".
  2. I think they should change the name peasant to turd burglar.
  3. Idk you could try using the pronoun 'people', like anyone else currently does.

    At least it's more laughs than saying 'soldier'. Saying 'any soldiers for war' nearly seems as try hard as being Frog.

    Argument over.
    Max pwnage achieved.
  4. Support.
    People like frog would cry even more.
  5. peasant
    An especially pathetic, low to moderate income individual that attempts to inflate their perceived social status by acquiring material goods sometimes associated with their wealthier counterparts - but immediately identifiable as peasants by their attempts to do so.

    Peasants often attempt to acquire things like Louis Vuitton purses, lower end version BMW or Jaguar automobiles, large but poor quality solitaire diamonds for rings, new version cell phones, trendy sunglasses, and bottle service tables at nightclubs.
    Such individuals typically lack the education or worldly exposure to realize that they actually look like low class impostors to anyone wealthy enough to comfortably afford such high end consumer items.
    The women waiting in the free guest list line at the nightclub were clearly identifiable as peasants despite their Louis Vuitton purses and imitation Omega watches.
  6. R we talking about Frog or peasants? I think u r confused.
  7. @optimal
    Did you copy and paste the entire thing but not acknowledge a source?

  8. In a scientific paper, you may use the phrase of a subsistence farmer on a very small holding and with dubious legal rights to his occupancy of it. ISadly, in the Third World there are many wretches still condemned to peasant farming and it is still the normal translation of words such as "caponês" used of a member of such associations as the Brazilian "Movimento dos Sem Terra."
    Since such type of farming simply does not exist among white farmers in North America, Australasia, Africa or Western Europe, calling any of them "peasants" is anachronistic, and totally inaccurate. There can therefore be no occasion to use it of them, except as a calcuated insult. As such it also survives as an abuse word for any person of restricted education and a rural background: a yokel.

    Just some lovely examples I found.

    I'm def not a peasant. So now I'm confused and totally discombobulated. I have no idea what I am. 
  9. Thinking about making a separate appreciation thread for the devs attempt at mad banter. Too bad the community are scrubs.

    Support or no?
  10. If it makes your booty hurt less, i voted for commoner
  11. Kas dear when one passes off work as their own it is plagiarism. I did not claim I wrote that. I just posted a relevant post from the net.
    I could not quote the author due to them being an anynomous poster on another site.
    But the comments applied. So hey I posted them. Suck it up sweety. Any work where the author does not cite their name is public domain.
  12. lol even worse you have to be a neutral.
    A peasant is a commoner, just with more banter.

  13. *insert y u always lion meme here*

    In any case, may I suggest you actually quote a passage which is less lengthy and actually remotely funny for your future posts?

  14. Umm if u can take off topic posts to ur own pm that would be great thanks Kas and Optimal. First and last warning, need to keep this thread serious and on track.
  15. Bahahahah!
  16. There was no intention for lols in my response.
  17. Here's an idea. Instead of all being hurt by the Internet by a "name" we just move along, enjoy our peasantry and run bars on our peasant community.

    The Internet hasn't hurt you, your victim feelings have.

  18. I'm an admin in my clan and will be when the update comes out. But for family clans I don't think it's respectful to call so many of the family members peasants when it is derogatory.

    I didn't even finish reading your argument after you assumed everyone that voted soldier would have been a peasant.
  19. This is precisely what I thought it meant. I voted for peasant. In my clan, I am a peasant.

    Next we are going to have entry level McDonald's employees titled "manager of protein denaturation"