
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by chief-donrico3000, Oct 9, 2015.

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  1. and many drop build to fight in ee or the events. lord rohit is a prime example .anyone can adapt their kingdom anyway they want thats their choice. doesnt stop them fighting it just gives them the opportunity to fight in a different style.
  2. Please, stop being an idiot. I had a mole in Don's clan for a while, and I can confirm Don's crying of "Pin him! farm him! Keep him pin" as well as putting unholyking in CA and cc constantly, oh well I guess you wouldn't know this because you came AFTER someone's mole kicked out all of Don's members
  3. Don has dropped build multiple times because he was farmed so badly. This is the usual rotation of him drop building:
    Trash talk, Cry in WC/CC, drop build, name change, change clans, beg for help, name change, pretend he Isnt Don, drop build even more till he's out of range
  4. dammocles is just upset he isnt informed when important facts come to light. he trys to act like hes a playa in apoc. yet the reality will soon dawn on him if im not told the basic gossip about why roni was dropped. then im being kept in the dark about more important issues also
  5. more lies dammocles .and i had a account in apoc also how do you think i know all the things that i know. chew over that one
  6. If you really did have an account In apoc, how come you didn't save you're entire Zaft family from being stripped?

    I'm done argueing with you, it's useless to argue with an idiot. Everyone else, I'm sorry for derailing this no effort thread. Bye.
  7. you have no idea what i did dammocles just keep chirping like a chump. you obviously not been promotted from the lower ranks within apoc .because you dont know nothing. and your four years on kaw and still not been given more social status within apoc. keep being a foot soldier thats all youll ammount to
  8. im only 2 days in this clan . but i can tell you this . don rico is a great clan leader very funny and with great ideas and ambition. you can get much worse. hes persistant and admirable . he chases his own dreams instead of following other peoples. don rico is what you wish you could be a little more like but you squash them fears and just be nasty to him out of pure jealousy nothing else. but karma will get you one day and i hope you can live with yourself for persecuting someone just to impress the crowd
  9. Tell us about your old main's achievements and lb rank too. Oh and about what happen to it aswell!
  10. oh look heres my number 1 groupie crimson to add the final touches and update anything that i forgot to mention. you do it crimson i already write it on another thread. but you love to say it at every opportunity.
  11. That's bull.
  12. dkod ; death inc ; hol; the outlawz and rise against and some from war . on my old account. dont talk what you know nothing about bad-advice.
  13. All this talk about your old account...
  14. Statless op smh
  15. Please post this on wc, this is not suitable for forums thanks.
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