Not singlehandedly. All the anti-government, anti-fact, and hate-mongering rhetoric over the past few decades have set this up for Trump to be supported by masses of Republicans. Without all that, no-one would be supporting or voting for Trump. So it isn't all just him.
GOP old guard MITT ROMNEY attacking Republican front runner DONALD DRUMPF. Whole GOP establishment trying a final push for a contested convention but preventing Donald DRUMPF from securing enough delegates. Heard what Romney said? Anyone but DRUMPF (so that he can't get enough delegates). Unbelievable! GOP destroying itself from within. Instead of supporting the people's choice, the elites wants to undermine the leading candidate. This is going to backfire big time. Popcorn time!
Trump stated that Planned Parenthood provided many services for woman, not only abortion. The only issue he had with Planned Parenthood was the abortion aspect. Good job misunderstanding OP.
Re: Donald Trump I voted for Trump and will again in November the real problem is Bernie Sanders supporters all lazy and want stuff for for what you want
Why does everyone always blame the people? Its not the people that have brought us to this sad road. Its a corrupt government and shady career politicians that have the people so fed up that they are willing to vote for someone like trump. George bush, two terms of obama, and a very real chance hillary clinton could win, have the american people so sick that they would Vote a dog in at this point just bc hes so far outside the establishment
Yes now go vote for another idiot lmfao - rather have a passive idiot on top than an active one. Y'all will complain about trump later and blame it on everyone else - can't help stupid
Them main problem with this country is we are always helping other countries out that's needs to stop for one if they can't help themselves then that's there problem not are we have veterans that are out on the streets cause are government don't give two craps about anyone but there own family look how we all fighting over who should be in office when they get inn they only do half of what they say they say I'm trying but doesn't get done so we lose no matter what plan and simple
So badman what are you doing to help homeless vets ? You offering them employment ? Safe homes ? Just asking as you seem to be arguing the federal aid budget is wasted helping worldwide, wondering what you'd suggest instead to help stop the spread of radical Islam? It's not the federal government isn't paying American farmers for the food they send or American companies for the supplies they send. If America and western countries aren there helping then others will and they will be very pleased make sure they know " the west " left them to suffer die.
There are 2x as many abandoned, quality homes as homeless people. There's plenty of solutions out there.
It's undeniable that US contributes significantly to help other countries through financial aid. But it is also undeniable a significant amount of foreign aid is to serve its own political agenda (under the guise of "freedom"). This interventionist approach is all too common e.g. funding dissidents to subvert the current government (Syria) or support an unpopular regime to oppress the people (Iran, Vietnam) - when it is politically expedient to do so. I am not passing a value judgement on the US, because I often stand on their side (and then to be proven wrong e.g. Iraq). I am just saying you can't cut it both ways. If you keep interfering and dabbling in other people's affairs, you can't take the moral high ground one day and say that you are only trying to help without strings attached.
People like you like to say "lmao" and make fun of other peoples choices without offering any input, effectively making yourself the idiot. What do you propose my dear as to how to change our government? Just keep picking more bribed special interest politicians? Thats what has led us here. Wether trump wins or loses this election will change things forever, Washington has gotten the message that people have had enough.
Theres nothing to worry about though. The establishment wont allow Trump to win. Same as G. Bush not winning the popular vote but winning the election . We are not a democracy anymore and havnt been for a long time, our government just has the wool pulled over the most of the sheeples eyes.
Pretty sure the USA never was a democracy it's a republic they are distinct and differ in the methods of elections and the way the country is run. Almost no country is a democracy while most western nations have democratic ideals and institutions they are republics or parliamentary democracies.