Very true I think trump could be a good leader... If he wasn't so full of himself. Hillary... How is she not arrested yet?
Trump is almost as big of a moron as that one guy in 1940-1945 :roll: If he becomes the new president we might as well search for a nice graveyard
It was a great video, John Oliver hit all the right spots. As an innocent observer to this whole Drumpf fiasco, I can only say that the GOP has this coming for them. In trying to indiscriminately obstruct Obama agenda and destroy his legacy, often without good cause, they have unwittingly revealed themselves as part of the problem. GOP has become the Party of NO. It should be of no surprise that there is a groundswell of support for the anti-establishment, giving rise to people like Donald Drumpf. Even the career politicians left running are uncompromising conservatives likes Ted Cruz or Rubio. Meanwhile, moderates like Jeb Bush or John Kaisch are left on the sidelines. When you keep selling "everything is terrible" to people, you be better be prepared for the consequences. Mark my words, GOP is beginning to unravel.
Lol , this guy above me knows all . Mark his words. Bahaha. Hey stupid guy how many more turned out for the primary? Ask your college professor tomorrow then answer the question.
Loved the video. As a Ted Cruz supporter it's frustrating to see the amount of people voting for Trump. Should have been Cruz's nomination. It's not over yet though.
Seriously? This is the best they can come up with? 35 year old business deals, go back 35 years in your own life, have you made some changes? But you know, Americans should totally be taking the opinion of a British liberal,because it's so great he moved here. Does anyone even understand what tariffs are? What nafta is doing to our economy? You want to fight to keep these policies? have fun with your career politicians, there here to help you, the money from the elite they take are like tips, they are interested in your well being not their investors profits. I'm glad the libs and conservatives are molding into one lame super party to stop trump at all cost
The point is: there is genuine anger on the ground and it is breeding much discontent, particularly in the GOP voters against the establishment. The rise of Donald Drumpf and Bernie Sanders is testimonial to that (can you imagine a self-proclaimed socialist being a legit contender). However, how much of this perceived "disaster" is real? For once in a long time, US is being viewed favourably in the world and taking leadership in matters such as climate change. The US economy is doing so well compared to many other countries despite the weak oil prices. US still boasts the best universities in the world, and leading the charge in innovation and scientific research. But you don't get that sense of these accomplishments hearing from the politicians (particularly from the GOP side), it's all gloom and doom. And I think this assault on common sense is taking root and making people sick and tired of the establishment. Donald Drumpf (and partly Bernie Sanders) is just a physical manifestation of this real anger against the establishment. Yet US politics/governance is predicated upon achieving compromise across the aisle - which is not longer happening. If moderates cannot be have a seat on the table, it's not going to bode well. P/S: Donald Drumpf says he is going to make America great again. Closing the borders and instituting protectionalistic economic policies is not going to do that (see China and Japan in 1850s).
Sorry, forgot to throw moderates in to this new lib,conservative super group. Look up tariffs, 1776-1990's, it's how you control your market. We have the strongest market in the world, no doubt, why should we let our corporations move overseas, than take advantage of it for free? I'm sure there CEOs could use a new yacht, but it would be nice to reinvest it into our own country don't you think? Tariffs can lower corporate and citizen taxes. This is a bad idea? Well I guess if your an elite, foreign country or receiving govt benefits it's a horrible idea. Hopefully your name calling campaign works out for you, I'm sure your corporate masters will reward you
Thread started with "his supporters are under educated", it starts with under educated opinions like that!
P.C president... they had black guy last, so only seems fair that a woman and a r.e.tar.d should get a chance this time! LOL
Trump for President. Run the country like a business, since the world bank requires such as it is in its current state. "Flourish or Perish Mode" Make profits, at any cost. The world is not ruled by your votes in any of these false elections. They are PUPPETS! The world is run by a Banking Organization that controls the World. THINK, #consciousness
Trump this, Trump that...hell,i aint even American and im sick to death of hearing about this muppet with a bad hair piece. Who seriously...stop it. Its beyond a joke now. If you actually take this guy seriously, you're about as stupid as they come. He's like that fat annoying kid back in school that just has that fat head you wanna smack over and over again. And the more it cries, the more you wanna hit it. I bet you any money this Trump idiot has never had a solid punch in the face, and he needs it bad. America, do yourself a favour and pump thos moron in the face real hard. I bet you he runs away cryin to dob you in to his "secret service"! Oh and by the way. Him ejecting those black students in his campaign is disgusting. If you let this guy run your country...well, lets just say that you deserve what you get. And dont come cryin to us ablut him later on, cos we aint gonna care -End Rant.
Ok frog as you seem to support trump please explain how any of his policies are going to be implemented ? How's the 11m illegal migrants going home ? Who is building his big giant wall ? Who's paying for it ? How's the registry for Muslims going to work ? Anyone else gonna be on that ? What about surveillance of all mosques? Then there's his great idea of killing the families of terrorists, sure that's going to win friends all over the world. Aside from the whole being illegal an immoral thing.