Dog murder, accidents and terrible people. DISCUSS!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DopeyDopeyDoo2, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. Relative value of an animal depends greatly on the culture in which you are immersed, but to day that am animals are the same is a misguided judgement call.

    I eat cows. Cows are yummy. People in India would find this repulsive, just as most Canadians are repulsed by eating dogs.

    So, is all animal life equal? No. Which animal is more important than the other? That depends on what culture you come from
  2. Your dogs life value is the same as the life value of the hamster. Your logic is like saying a cow is worth more than your dog, I'm sure you'd disagree though.
  3. Napoleon Dynamite when he 'harvests' the cow behind the school bus. Lol. Thread could drift into vegetarian vs. Omnivores.
  4. Depends on what part of the cow your serving
  5. Funny thing is seeing how on campus all the Indians work at chick fil a but no where else because all the other places have beef.
  6. I work with animals for a career and I can tell you this. Wolves and elephants Mourn their dead. Horses can feel pride, and dogs can feel shame. I've seen it all.

    Can a mouse? I doubt it. But some of the mire complex creatures know right from wrong and have emotions. This makes people uncomfortable, but its true
  7. I didn't say animals lack emotion, I said they lack morals and conviction. A dog doesn't care that it did wrong. It cares that it got in trouble for it. It knows "right" and "wrong" because it was taught that if it pees on the floor, or bites someone it's bad and it'll get punished. A human knows (not by being taught) that killing someone is bad.
  8. One could also approach this philosophical discussion from the cliche raw material value of an organism from the chemistry and physics perspective. How much copper, iron, fertilizer an organism can be turned into. I know my kaw value is how many dollars I can kick in for nobs and sods to contribute to this social gaming pastime. Lol.
  9. Please define "right" and "wrong"
  10. What a stubborn moose
  11. Right and wrong for you and me are based on morals. Right and wrong for animals is based on what they're taught. They aren't born knowing not to kill stuff.
  12. Moose I feel we should move to a different thread, or to pm. We're waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy off topic now :p
  13. Neither are we. Your taught by modern society that killing, stealing, hurting etc are wrong. You aren't born knowing not to. In fact I'm not sure your born know much at all. Much less not to beat a mouse with your rattle.
  14. Then tell me how we came to know that things were wrong? We didn't discover it, it's not physics or chemistry or mathematics. There's no formulas to figure out killing is wrong. Evolution didn't create morals.
  15. Y'all are barking up the wrong tree.
  16. Only worth reading for the moose fingering the dude in front of the dog's owner comment. Seems like an odd way to offer your sympathy.

    And no, animals are not inherently 'good'. What a bizarre comment. As if animals wander around with a moral code in their heads!! Some animals display conforming behaviour as we broke their natural disposition through thousands of years of domestication. Try patting a wild dog on its head or tickling a wild cat under its chin.
  17. Yup likes to lay on the floor and bark
  18. What a man does for treats is his business.
  19. Good boy xD
  20. They people who didn't help the dog are jerks