Dog murder, accidents and terrible people. DISCUSS!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DopeyDopeyDoo2, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. People in poorer places seem to be desensitized to stuff like doesn't necessarily mean they're bad people.
  2. See? Told you I don't like most people. My dog doesn't call me sick. My dog likes me.
  3. Could it be possible that your perception of people is the reason why they treat you that way?
  4. I don't expect it from all people just most people. I meant no disrespect just proving a point.
  5. Your dogs don't call you anything. You're called sick because you have less value for human life than animal life
  6. well do you think if I liked humans more than my dogs they'd call me sick? Maybe dogs call YOU sick. You probably don't care too. In fact you probably care about as much as I do when a person calls me sick.
  7. His anger towards you is sort of justified, you did say you would run over a SENTIENT human being.
  8. I don't think dogs would care if you liked humans more than them. I like dogs. I've got a golden retriever. But if she runs out in the road and gets hit, it's not the drivers fault and I don't expect them to stop. My fault for not keeping her off the road.
  9. There is nothing wrong with eating a dog. Also, horses, sheep, goats, and anything else that doesn't poison you is all fair game.

    A line is drawn, however, when you kill someone's pet. If you go to the Chinese food market and buy a leg of golden retriever, make sure you don't over cook it. If you run over your neighbors golden retriever, make sure you stop and assess the situation. Offer assistance if you can, and just generally be a good person.
  10. Well its the humans fault for not being well liked. If I like you I won't hit you. Now this swerving off topic n I'm not too keen on getting my first ban so can we please talk about hitting dogs and not humans as to avoid said ban.
  11. This is about hitting dogs and how it's better than hitting a human.
  12. Your premise that people are more important than animals is correct, but placing all animals on a uniform level is not correct. Most people will find more value in a dog than they will in an earwig. Kittens are higher in the "life value scale" than wood ticks and mice.

    However,, if my neighbors kid had a pet mouse, and I accidently stepped on it, I'd let the kid know, because that's what decent people do.

    Also, lets not forget, that their is a difference between kills an animal and killing a pet.

    If you shoot a deer and eat it, that's fantastic! Venison is very healthy and delicious. If you shoot "Bucky" the deer in front if a bunch of children at the petting zoo and eat it, that's horrible.
  13. No I thought it was about how terrible it is to hit dogs.
  14. Rolflmfao at moose. Leave bucky out of this!!!
  15. Humans aren't animals guys!

    Learn to science
  16. Would you care as much if you stepped on a pet mouse vs a pet dog? All dogs are the same. The absolute value of any animal is the same. Relative value to certain animals doesn't matter much. Sorry this post didn't make much sense but I don't feel like fixing it. My point gets across. Absolute value > relative value. Therefore all animals are the same.
  17. As a practicing Lutheran, I believe that man is set apart from the animal kingdom, and is not part of it, but, there are vast swaths of people out there who believe in evolution, who would disagree with me and you. Thus, your arguement is discounted on the basis that is is theological opinion, and can't be answered from the other side as there is no common ground to work from
  18. You're essentially putting god against science, which is a no win for all parties involved
  19. Actually according to the pet store my dog costs more than a hamster so actually according to them (and me) my dog is more valuable
  20. One thing evolution doesn't account for. Humans have morals. Humans have conviction. A dog kills something, it doesn't care. A human kills someone (if they're sane) they feel bad. Humans are the only beings on earth that have conviction and have higher thought processes. Two things that severely set humans apart from animals. Plus the little fact that we can actually communicate. (yes I know barking, and blah blah blah is communication, but no where near the same level as humans)