Does War Tax follow the player or stay in the winner pot

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Son_of_liberty, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. I just finished a small scale pwar to test this. Had a few hitters leave one side before it ended. We generated over 30 billion in plunder, but the final war tax was only 2.4 bil. That's no where near 20%.
  2. Great info, but my question remains, "Does it matter whether the player leaves on his own or if he is kicked by an admin?" Does it matter the manner in which a person leaves a war, does that have an effect on war tax or plunder that is left behind?
  3. Has anybody held a pwar and got screen shot evidence to show the tax they got. Can someone explain in detail how to hold a two sided pwar with 100 members each side and how you ensure that you finish up with the osfs on one side getting all the tax after kicking/leaving of members on that side. Come on don't be shy-leave a reply!!! Devs your input would be appreciated 
  4. devs do NOT give away game mechanics for free. not ever in the history of the game I believe. They prefer the players to discover it on thier own. more fun that way. anywho figured I should tell you. Don't mean to come across as rude as I know caps can do that sometimes.
  5. How about i slip a brown envelope your way then????? 
  6. Just forfitted a short pwar had memebers leaving being kick ect. just t give some bk to iteam that lost gold last week or so here were my results

    total plunder 63,352,589,371 my total was 7,223,540,172 whitch means i should have 8.7% of the war tax

    63,353,589,371 x .20 is 12,670,517,874 (20% war tax)
    so my total tax acording to the plunder should have been
    12,670,517,874 x .087 (8.7%)
    meaning my tax should have been 1,102,335,055
    i actuly got 1,805,885,042 so proof you can still leave and the tax stays.

    please if my math is wrong any where there do tell me been a long night and im very tired haha thanks hope this helps :)
  7. and if u think i should post that as a new thread let me know :)

    my best part was the red and green made the whole equation fun i think ....
  8. Ijax what was the set up-osfs/oafs both sides? We want to do a big one with two full sides and maybe 4 osfs sharing the pot but need to know how to do it so the osfs from the forfeiting side can transferover to winning side and still share. Also whether or not to kick or just have members leave or whether it doesn't matter??
  9. thb i did think of that but, it would be way to much communication and organiseation and with out EVERY one complying to the rules it wouldnt work.... best way i have found is,

    have 3 or more clans....and run a "tag" system,
    osf clan - osfs ONLY
    attack clan -active attack builds ONLY
    a "holdong clan" - inactive memebers (can have more then one depending on intrest of war)

    ok so first at war start the roster of attack clan is full they all attack like crazy on the open osfs, if they are out of troops they leave and join the "holding clan" and "tag" a player from there (simply join and tell cc 1 member may join other side) takes a lil communication but fist one to say me will be ther person to move they join and attack osfs simply rinse and repeat (if u have more then one holding clan you must have the original attacking clan split i.e top 50 go to HC1 bottom 50 go to HC2 ect) there is a more idepth way to do this...
    if u can have osfs open 24/7 then people that are going to stay online somply hit 2 regen hit 2 regon ECT when a player had to go away for more then 20 mins they full unload and retreat to a HC clan
    it takes alot of organiseation and is a pain in the but but when done probly works VERY well :)

    as alternative if you dont have a T2BC osfs that can rotate n always be open use this system i use :)


    First hour OSF stays open after that:

    *Must be at MAX ally plunder.
    *OSF will be OPEN for 20min CLOSED for 20min.
    *Hit rotation as follows for MAXIMUM PLUNDER:
    -Hit 2-3x's regen to full go again.
    -Leaving for 15min hit 6x's regen to full go again.
    -Leaving for 30min hit 12x's regen to full go again.
    -Leaving for an hour our the night burn full troops.
    -5 minutes prior to closing burn half troops.
    -CRYSTALS are encouraged! Plunder War guide Created BY iJaxon, iTeam