Does BFA contribute to gold gained when hitting someone?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_nbd_-, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. referring to defender's bfa, not attacker's
  2. Actually after certain x point/s in allies your bfa starts to hurt your plunder. It's minuscule but it add's up.
  3. And defenders bfa shouldn't effect how much you make. Two people with the same build equip ect, one has high bfa the other doesn't. Your plunder should be the same. You'll lose less troops on the one with lesser bfa but..
  4. Then yes, if defender has much bigger bfa than you with same stat, they lose less if you get through.

    Bfa and bfe values are the same - ie. 10 mill bfa = to 10 mill from bfe. However I'd advise you to go for bfe as its easy to get, you can get a lot of it and can level it up easily to make it more powerful. Bfa is very expensive to get a decent amount so get that later when your earning more.
  5. That's what I said little lady in er police handcuffs
  6. If a defender has high bfa you will make more per hit
  7. So basically BFA strength increase affects pvp the same way stats do right? I know for a while before T6 came out, I spent a while just investing in allies instead of upgrades. I did notice a slight decrease in what I made off a certain inactive target as my BFA increased. I would assume it works the same way in reverse also.

    The odd thing is, BFE doesn't effect pvp or EB plunder whatsoever as far as I can tell.
  8. Great stuff here I didnt know any of this
  9. Greatness is correct, people are confuziling me :lol: however, the attack is unlikely to succeed and will kill more troops meaning you will actually be losing plunder.

    Bfe will make you lose less if you are attacked by someone who is same size with no bfe. Wont add to your plunder.
  10. yes BFA influence plunder .... the higher BFA, the less plunder (this is compensated with ally market transactions); the plunder decrease is visible at 20T in allies
  11. Yes, @page two

    The plunder taken can get quite high, highest I've seen is .8sh %
    (which was being hit by nckz).

    And it does seem to effect steals too. But this rise in gold loss seems to only get incredibly noticeable if your being hit by top 20lb lol