Does anyone here miss the clan 911 an all its old members?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Aces, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. I remember. I personally am against anyone that endorses 9/11 though. But that's just me
  2. Why don't you post on wc?
  3. Gleadr, its 911, as in the imergincy responce number, not the date 9/11....
  4. Pal group made now
  5. I wish I could have been in 911 in its prime. But I wasn't in it until like a month before it went inactive.
  6. I remember that clan
  7. Um...what clan?

    And that's me asking too, lol.
  8. Nope don't miss it. Why is this in strategy?
  9. A clan filled mainlly with arab members called 911, doubt it has anything to do with the us emergency phone number
  10. I remember em could wage a good war til they bit off to much and got ransacked
  11. I also remember them and even got a member in my clan that was from 911 