does Anybody Noticed ?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by bli_o_0_zzardlllllllllll, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Also, what you guys fail to realize is that the Devs have a special algorithm. One they choose not to discuss with the players of KaW. Something along the lines of... Guild and SoS do not mix, for your plunder.
  2. Once you hit 6 SoS's your plunder goes down. That is until you have 16 SoS's.
  3. SoS ~ Stronghold of Shadows
  4. Ok I didn't finish reading all the comments but your BFA might drop if you aren't at max plunder
  5. What is BFA? How do I get it?
  6. Lol LuLu....
    Please don't be naughty with them.
  7. They saying Allies Bonus no? A slight difference to my understanding of BFA term

    I read read read till headache. Was wondering why everyone understood except me
  8. You put on an SoS L3 on Highland. Your plunder drops.... Definitely!

    Since the max (Plunder plus Ally Bonus) is higher for SoS, you need to....
    1. add more allies to 5B in allies.
    2. Keep checking max (plunder n AB) until it stabilizes this should be about 5B in allies.
    3. Continue adding L1 SoS or L4 Guilds to HL, but not L2 or L3 SoS.
    4. If you can save up to 25.866B, please add a L1 Volary to HL instead.

    But if you add a L1 T5 building like Hatchery, Colony, Tortured Garden, Volary; your ally value needs to increas to 130b to max (Plunder n AB)

    I hope the above helped for those who are currently exploring HLs
  9. No Lulu dear...
    BFA is Bonus From Allies different from Ally Bonus.

    At our level we really don't care BFA since we have literally Trillions of gold worth of allies. For us only AB matters.

    But for small builds, they are always looking at BFA. They try to keep minimum allies so that their gold can be use to get land, build buildings n upgrade buildings.

    The way I was taught is to get max number of allies n fill all 250 allies slots with allies with great stats.
    This allowed me to trade allies n use the extra gold coming in (at that time it used to be 11-19b a day, to use for upgrades, get land, n build buildings)
    I spent the entire day searching for allies. I never misplaced or lost my phone. Lol
    And my max (Plunder n AB) per FullBar (FB) was 398m, so everyday I bought/hired a new ally at 955m with minimum 75k Combined Stats (CS) but that was in the old days.
    Nowadays, I get...
    - 75k min CS at 2.229b
    - 250k min CS at 6-6.5b.
  10. It's purposeful idiot
  11. I meant to say I used my own gold from Haunting the 398m FB x 10 unloads a day, gave me 3.98b so I bought one 955m ally (min 75k CS)
    Not forgetting I already had between 200 to 250 allies, and they keep getting bought away. I keep buying back to:
    1.050b for 75k CS
    1.2b for 85k CS
    1.5b for 95k CS
    2b for 100k plus CS
    Then I let it go.
    And use the gold to buy more allies or buy lands, upgrade builds, build more buildings, get pots.

    So in a 24h period I'm trading roughly 50-100 allies. It's crazy. But the gold you get is mind numbing n mind blowing.
  12. Yes but they keep saying their BFA decreases with new SOSu confused. They meant their ABdecreased with new buildings...took me quite long to figure? Or maybe I'm confused lol. Happens
  13. But in the end! It doesn't even matter! I tried so hard! And came so far! But in the end! It doesn't even matter!
  14. U seem to be an imposter to the real bio!