Does ally plunder bonus affect Assassination EB plunder?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CobaltSpears, Aug 15, 2015.

  1. The first part makes no since if skimming increases pay out then damage while full will be higher so there is a direct link between damage done and eb pay out
  2. there is not. It simply relates to size, amount of total troops/spies and the target. Try hitting an eb with full pots/mith/bfe and one without those, plunder will be the same.
  3. Just so no one reads this and gets the wrong idea...

    All spy actions plunder is worked out purely by: your size, opponent size and amount of spies you have

    I don't remember the % but it follows the line of your spy level..

    Stealing from

    100% could earn you 100m

    3% would be around 2-3m

    Ally plunder bonus doesn't make a difference to spy actions.
  4. Allies don't affect the reward that you receive at the completion of an epic battle.

    The damage that you did and the strength of your attacks are calculated into the end reward.

    Therefore, you'd get a bit more if you skimmed attacks and assassinations, attacking 2x and assassinating 3x on a Haunt every 5 min regen.
  5. As you unload more troops and spies into an EB, your troop and spy strength drop.

    However, if you are a hansel with Level 3 castle and Level 1 stable as well as loads of BFE and BFA, you can just unload troops without much concern.

    If you simply unload your full bar of spies, the reward that you'd get for your spies being at 100% would not be the same for your spies being at 20%.

    Therefore, if you are a hansel, unload troops and pin yourself. Skim on spies.

    Vice versa for attack builds who like having max CS- skim troops and spies.
  6. Skimming is especially helpful for players who have alts and want to grow very quickly so that they can start putting on heavy loads of HTE.
  7. pro tip: skim hte
  8. Pro tip: Don't skim when you only get 1 HTE
  9. pro tip: skim hte until the last minutes where you unload troops max and spies to 75% ( in my case since i do aff, as a hansel)

    you post about skimming is useful for alts makes no sense really, skimming is always usefull
  10. It's actually not meant to war  it's meant to be hit and give massive amounts of plunder with little resistance. #Knowyourhistory