Do You Remember Plunder Wars?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xx-SuperMelonMan-xx, May 31, 2013.

  1. Pwars are great but you know they arnt coming back. We pushed to get them back right after devs killed them. As good as they were they arn't coming back
  2. I think you may be a little off mate. A pwar was when an osf or a few osf's joined a war and had gold out. These osf's would allow themselves to be farmed into oblivion, and then just before the war finished, the war would be forfeited, giving the osf all the gold of the plunder bonus. Makes it profitable for everyone involved, and a really quick way to LCBC. the devs killed it in place for epic battles, by cutting the plunder to 60% and taking 40%, then not giving the bonus in gold.

    I'm pretty sure that is how pwars worked.

    I may have the last part wrong, so if I am please inform me.
  3. :lol: OP just heard about pwars and is acting older than he really is
  4. Op clearly not from the pwar era. The only accuracy I can see is his name. 
  5. Plunder war? Hmmm, nope never heard. What clans had the best of these so called pwars?
  6. Not sure York. Well before our time methinks. 
  7. Ya we be Noobs :) I'm going to visit Hollow  tomorrow to help unlock an epic :)
  8. Pwars were great for funding banks.... 
  9. So were ebs before they capped the gold you could make with items.
  10. Im sure the enemy had osfs the u attack them they dont attack bact till the end gaining lil bit of plunder then your clan (the attacking clan) forfiets so your clan members gain gold from attacking osfs gain gold from when u forfeit???? Or is this fc?
  11. This isn't completely accurate.....
  12. I remember PWars sigh those were the days free cash for hits >.< the forfiet money was the best
  13. It's always the players least likely to have. Been there that post on these
  14. Pwars ruined KaW in my opinion, two clans would manipulate the war system to earn easy cash. The devs didn't like this so they introduced epic battles and the whole I sea of easy, fast gold. But I'm a hypocrite because I joined the pwars too.
  15. I wish they still had those
  16. Pwars brought clan unity. Plus it was fun to hop over and see friends. Cc's were faster then as well. IMO Eb's ruined KaW and all these items. I miss pwars and the good cc times that came with them. Now there really is no such thing as clan unity with all these EE wars. IMO KAW isn't half of what it use to be.
  17. First off. This thread is more inaccurate than anything I've heard. Second of all pwars ruined the game
  18. Only read the first 2 pages but I was known as the PW king back in those days. Running 2 clans 24/7 making mountains of gold. The reason they killed off pws was to stop individuals from getting huge chunks of gold from the war tax and growing super fast when everyone couldn't. The dead of pws was a good thing for all except for clan chat. That's never been the same since. It was much easier to build community back then. My thoughts 
  19. Wow description is off.... Your clan had a few people that opened for steals and attacks in a war with your "osf clan" they hit a little and we got the gold that we plundered and we forfeited so the oafs could get enough gold to upgrade and get lands and open again in a few hours .... Some osfs dropped pots and others had about 300mil out and a lot of 300-500mil allies and that osfs main bought the allies to keep it open or stupid ones had ALOT of gold out and lost a lot more a hit
  20. With the amount of work that you had to put into a pwar as a legitimate osf or admin organizing the war, it was a pain in the *** to do. I remember being on both sides of the war, not only as an admin, but as a legitimate osf for a major clan. Pwars were not fun, neither are ebs.