do not join home of sealers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by chief-donrico3000, Sep 17, 2015.

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  1. How do you grow a pair in a tap tap game Wut 
  2. He means a pair of seals I bet
  3. Note: no specification of which rules were broken
  4. Note: Statless alt
  5. HOTS is meant to be an age-9-and-up-friendly clan.
  6. Let us just say that anything that violates ToU will have one or more warning depending on the severity of the offense and will not be tolerated if continued despite warnings.
  7. rico what little respect u had from anyone is now probably gone lol
  8. Dear Sweet_Pineapple,
    I was sad when you didn't reply to me when I congratulated you on 1000 posts. I said "Everyone lets take a moment to congratulate Sweet's 1000th useless post." I thought it was an amusing joke, and I'm hurt that as a fellow troll, you didn't respond.
    EDIT: The spaces are stuck like that so sorry it doesn't look nice.
    DOUBLE EDIT: Better Zeth?
  9. ^ That looks terrible!
  10. Shhhh. Try quoting it and see, the spaces are right before you post, then you go off after.
  12. Wtf that's annoying it wasn't working for me
  13. :lol:
  14. Note: He didn't make this thread and doesnt owe us an explanation.
  15. He countered this guys argument with no evidence or even statement.
    At least the guy said exactly why he feels he was kicked. "He broke rules" is a stupid excuse
  16. Apparently asking for build advice = flipping out and going psycho when advice is given & then farming admins... Sounds spot on
  17. Why did you quote and don't say jack squat? I read forum then I waste more time I don't want to spend million dollar I got bills
  18. Let's not forget insulting some of our members over their sexual orientation. Being rude over and over in cc when asked repeatedly to stop. I could go on but I digress. And, I actually suspended his pass, I didn't revoke it until he decided to get vulgar in pm then start attacking me.
  19. You obviously aren't on forums much. Zeth is a breed of what is commonly known as a "troll". This rare breed specializes in annoying you and making you think they are serious. For more info, go to a place that cares.
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