Don't make a thread for your referral code and put it somewhere that isn't in the refferal code section.
Do not post ninja's wall for hire cos then you lost that1% chance of ever being hired. Do not go around screaming that u got farmed when u just got hit 6 times..or7-8-9.
Yea I hear u ninja I get it everyday 'excuse me' ur member _____ has farmed me he hit 6 times plz talk to him and keep a leash on him' I just say ok I'll talk to him or he probably did an accidental extra hit
dont start religious arguments ive started one and it was highly regrettable! and hilarious how many crazy people are out there
No I go tell people that their member farmed mine with only 6 hits. But if someone says it to me I say yep good to know. And disregard it. Win win.
Don't ask someone too volley with you then leave them holding the ally be specific of how high you intend to go
Don't start anything with SirRichardTheLionHearted or his clans unless your prepared for a wall full of spam msgs that will take u forever to delete.