Do Devs Play?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Seth, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. That account is now called NotTheDroidsYouAreLookingFor
    Proof is in his stats. 500 battle wins and at least 12 HF plus the Lvl. 3 Castle.

  2. You better ******* find that SS Larry. O.O

    And the devs now use private game servers to test accounts (I believe), so you won't find any of those weird accounts like the one that's missing a banner anymore.
  3. Just found half of Larry's story:
  4. The kaw dev account has said before "we walk among you". If anything, their family might have active accounts, or they have devices floating around that have personal accounts that are not used for development.
  5. Inferno you were the one discussing the account with me on forums.. I know you remember and I showed SS of it hitting me.. Dammit I have too many KAW SS..

    And yes I believe it was notthedroidsyouarelookingfor.. I forget what name it had before that
  6. for what its worth, i remember that. in my previous post i was referring to the same thread. just couldnt remeber the details.
  7. I heard they really aren't that good at the game though.

    kinda like you can make beer, but it doesn't make you a good drunk. That doesn't sound good.

    Oh well... 0.o

    They probably only mess with people they like. Or hate.
  8. Maybe they're the RP'ers in the moderator's clans. I've noticed a few rp'ers owned by mods in their own clan.
  9. I RP with Ruby all the time
  10. It is an interesting question, I've wondered it several times. The most intriguing thing is seeing the devs as one of us. We want to connect, the devs playing helps with that. Kaw_com is close. I wish kc would join a regular noob clan and grow.
  11. Indeed. Somewhere I have memories of kc saying that he would attempt to also play the game, but perhaps that is just wishful thinking on my part. He should though.
  12. I think I remember that as well...^
  13. If devs played they could give thrmselves free stuff
  14. Yes, they do. 
  15. I do remember that, but I had to bust your balls a little.:lol:
  16. Maybe Rex is a dev and he's making this thread to lead us off his trail
  17. No he's just a fanboy of the customer service representatives (and kaw moderators and valiant knights).
  18. Ok... Maybe Benny's a dev :lol:
  19. Dev =/= csr. When will people learn. 