Do Devs Play?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Seth, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Why would anyone pay to play their own game?
  2. The same reason anyone else would. Sure they could just give themselves stuff, but that defers the purpose of it. It's their paycheck, why can't they do what they want?

    Seal = $6 USD

    Devs don't all get $6 for everyone 1 seal.
  3. I doubt all the developers pay.
    And yeah... They only get a few cents per seal.

    But they do play. No I won't give you the proof, you can believe or not.
    The best proof you'll get is that if you had your own game, you would likely play it.
    They have to do testing on private servers to make sure things work before adding them to the game. But they also have private accounts they grow on.
  4. If the devs played their game we wouldnt get half the unwanted updates they do. Think about it.
  5. It is now that I'm taking screenshots of things like what you posted because I know they can be deleted by the coward who posted it.
  6. However devs do get feedback, and yes they may play, but I think devs see things with a different view. If we had every idea suggested implemented, KaW would be very complicated and much too complex IMO
  7. Well that makes no sense.
    Let's say their private accounts are simply for enjoyment.
    They can get enjoyment on this game, or make a few extra boat loads of cash. They can find enjoyment elsewhere.
    And who's to say they don't like the updates?
  8. the devs made ebs so that people would stop farming them.
  9. They have said they do in forums before, posted from the admin accounts. Being able to mingle with us without knowing they're devs is important though. So- you're not going to get account names.
  10. Yea devs play ever hear of zaft
  11. I know. They're private, personal accounts. They aren't awarded the dev spell. They play like anyone else, me and you. You could be a dev for all I know.
  12. If the developers were in ZAFT, it would not suck the nuts out of scrotums as often as it does.
  13. No, they just sit around coding hoping it doesn't have bugs or anything.

    But actually, devs have game testing accounts, yet they are not allowed to play the game recreationally.
  14. That's not true at all narwhal, they have specifically said they have their own- plenty of times over the last few years. Send them feedback and ask directly if you don't believe it. I'm not wasting my time searching for posts.
  15. in game accounts? sure. there was a thread awhile back where an account with no stats of any kind had equipped eq that wasnt released yet. could of been a dev account.

    personal accounts for normal kawing?
    i dont see it. easily could find their company in unfavorable situations.
  16. And that wouldn't create an unfair advantage for them would it?
  17. The devs create accounts to test things, but aren't allowed to actively play anymore. There were scandals involved when they did, that made kaw a bit less fun for people. The account a few months ago that they made with the Bloodless Helm was a test account.
    I think after we found that one, they decided for a more public test account that has been in front of us the whole time.
    Look at kaw_com, with his/her one hit spragga eb and his/her maxed swarm ring. He/she is obviously testing equipment and ebs with that account.
  18. I was just looking for an SS for you.. I couldn't find it. Awhile ago someone posted a Dev test account on forums so I started farming it and making demands on it's wall.. I put it on a KAW_Comm thread and the beta account actually hit me back 3 times :lol:
  19. You know how it works Larry, better find that SS. 
    But I believe it. We came across one last year that had the mod spell. When we inquired about it, it disappeared. :shock: