Dissecting 11 SH Rosters

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ISmellLikeAChode, May 4, 2014.

  1. SH rule their whole roster is full of sh which is fine and normal. Issue is the matchup system which shouldn't match a team of giants against Bam Bams
  2. Exactly, Canton bro..

    Everyone has the freedom to decide what roster they wish to go with.

    The concern lies in the fact that an All-SH roster is matched up with a hybrid build roster.
  3. Bump and requesting sticky pls
  4. I think the no hit ratio is easier for SH because after you plunder hard, give 1-2 hits to the cr1 on the other team and bam, sko. That's what I did and it turned out fine
  5. I also had put a similar topic in discussion on Other Kaw Discussions, I was a sh before n changing my build... I support u...
  6. Bumping my noob friend Immo's thread
  7. They're actually pretty nice, two ps (18m cs about each) would counter them easy, they can get the sh down enough for the upcoming sh to ko them, easy wins!
  8. dev shopd ban this crap sh war
  9. The reason these matches happen is because I'm pretty sure devs literally add bfe bfa main stats to get a number and use that to match , which is so ridiculous for so many reasons.
  10. Very nicely written! Looks appealing and information is accurate. Well done
  11. Nice backstory
  12. Yes Spilatch, I think that is what the whole issue is.

    And ty Xna, RougeSoldier and Grimmzy for the support :)
  13. Nice Post IMMO
  14. Simply add EE wars for sh stacked rosters or devise a 2 Tiered EE format whereby war slots r defined as Open or Mids n Smaller for example instead of so-called fixes.
  15. Dat necro bumo tho 
  16. Nighthawk bro, I think your point has already been addressed via the Individual Wars.. Although, wud be nice to see more "Mains" rather than alts being used :)

    Also, I think the "No DTS/DTW restriction" matchups are a step in the right direction.. Cheers !! :)
  17. Bump for a friend