I'm asking because I'm trying to understand your point. Anyway, I think it may be a language barrier that's preventing me from understanding. It's OK, no big deal.
Red = warrior Pink = junior warrior (or hunter, whatever term you prefer lol) I would assume light blue and blue for females for something, probably light blue until their first period.
Abhorrent and against nature Ok explain gay animals. Just because you don't agree with another's choice if they are acting within the accepted laws of the society they live in. What right do you have to tell them what they are doing is wrong. You have every right not to want to do it yourself. You have every right to live your own way. But just as they have no right to force you to be gay. You have no right to decide another persons sexual preference. Who's the more abusive member of society. The ones that want to be loved as they are. Or the ones that hate someone for not being the same as them. And as for labelling people later liberal and conservative. That's a cop out. If you are saying all conservatives have to be big it's that force their values on others. Then God help the world. Cod no one else will. There is so much hatred on this thread about something that honestly more than likely doesn't affect any one on here. Unless you are planning on sleeping with a gay person that offends you and so many. What business is it of yours or mine who sleeps with who? And even if they were straight you would then be making judgements that their girlfriend is too fat. Has the wrong colour hair and any other excuse to hate someone. So continue to teach your children hatred and violence against others. Continue to make the world a worse place to live in.
While I agree, it isn't "natural" per se, life would NOT cease to exist. There are roughly 7.5 BILLION people on this planet. I would say max 10% are gay/homosexual. Life does not just stop. It's "normal" to be heterosexual, and majority of people (I believe) tend to be and will be straight. Don't get animals confused with humans here, they aren't entirely capable of "loving" as they aren't superior intelligent beings. Humans are capable of feeling love, and I'm not saying animals aren't but it isn't what humans feel. Animals reproduce, as it is their instinct.
I've been busy in real life, and therefore haven't got so much time to be on forums. But I have got time now, and will share my view on the matter! If gender were not a part of the society, meaning gender neutral langauge and gender neutral politics, it would lead to a more open-minded society. People would not feel/be limited by their gender when it comes to expressing themselves. The first question parents' of a newly born baby get, is often "Is it a boy or a girl?". And when the answer comes, the child is given a gender role. It becomes categorized into medical and government archives and in social groups as woman or man. The person gets expectations based on their gender. If the gender term was removed, and that there were no distinctions between genders, this would not have been a problem. And what if there is born a baby where the gender is unclear, it's not possible to decide if it is a boy or a girl? Why do society need to focus on the gender and why do there need to be distinctions between gender? Like seperate restrooms for men and women. Why do the government need to know if you are a man or a woman? On the other hand, the thought of having a gender neutral society scares me. It just feels unnatural. I'm not quite sure where I stand on this one, I'm a little in the middle, I guess.
Ffs people your classified as a boy or girl at birth bc there are different genders,you are either one or the other. Why are people so damn backwards and sensitive these days. What would you prefer a baby be called an it? So if someone dosnt want their baby to be classified how do i ask what they had? Is it politicaly correct to ask if it has a weeny or a lady part, since i can't say male or female. Such a weird topic and even weirder that people are defending this neutrality crap
Ya bc everyone else in the damn bathroom should have to be uncomfortable bc you dont want to be told wich bathroom to use. Bunch of pervs and wastes of oxygen All the things going on in the world i really dont care if you think you should be able to walk into the womens bathroom unhindered
What do you classify a hermaphrodite as. A boy or girl? Currently a Dr makes decision and cuts off the opposing parts. The patient has no say. So if a surgeon suddenly decided to change your sex now against your will and then tell them how to feel. People are born with medical defect like a female brain in a male body and a whole host of other issues. The only real point that comes over loud and clear is that people are very intolerant towards other people's medical needs and issues that have nothing to do with them. Seriously why do so many feel the need to argue about who someone else. Sleeps with? Are you sleeping with them? Does it matter that much to you that you have to hate other people because of such a small difference. Racism is unacceptable and yet people argue that being gender phobic or any other host of hatred inspired views are acceptable. And even dumber. People are hating on people for not hating the same thing they hate. How hate filled do some people need to be. Go and put your effort into something worthwhile. Like hating terrorists or murderers.
I was waiting for the mammal comparison to pop up, it does in every debate on this topic. Now before I have a chance to say anything else, are you also going to accuse us of comparing homosexuals to animals? I've been in this same rodeo many times before so please go ahead and twist my words.
People of this world have a hard time with new concepts and thats why it takes so long for things to become norms. An example would be womens rights or black rights. Convos like this where had then too as back then it wss a taboo subject. In the course of my short life being gay has went from something keep hush hush to something celebrated. Science has proven that "downstair mix ups" happen. Just like being born with a tail, an extra finger, both reproduction organs, 3 arms, ect ect ect, according to science, its a normal part of nature. While on the subject of people not following science, generations and race are both false. Neither are real in terms of human being. Something else science has proven yet humans dont want to believe. A Generation Xer is exact same as a millennal. As for race, we are but one species without a subspecies. All of us are homo sapiens. Think about dogs for a second. They are also one species. Instead of race we like to use the word breed for dogs. All dogs can breed together because they are the same biological makeup. Just like us humans. Humans soon learned with dogs that if they breed a tall one with a fast one that the next dog would get traits of both. Also just like us humans. Again in order for this to make sense, you have to also believe in more science called evolution, but i digress. Assassin touched on something i want to revisit. He said something about being lgbt has to do with the enviorment you were raised. I wont take away from that statement. It could be quite viable but I will add to it. We do know for sure that the way one thinks is very much related to how they were raised. Generally someone who "hates black people" does so cause their parents did. The values we are taught as youngsters is what shapes our way of thinking in the future. So with that I say, if you have a problem with a trans using the bathroom they want, then you too are a vitcim of your own up bringing. Even though the whole science thing is on the side of trans. We live in a diverse world and with diversity there must be acceptance. Without, hate will thrive.
I'm sick and tired and fed up with the specialty groups re-interpreting life as we know it to suit their own immoral agendas. Stop this train, I want off!
Something else i wanma throw out there real quick... This is for the fellas Please guys. Please, stop using woman in derigatory way. Like if im upset, dont say, youre acting like a girl. If i cant throw a ball, dont say you throw like a girl. Its beyond insulting to women. Thats how much we judge people. We dont even get that when we stuff like that we are labeling everyone woman as inferior to man. But its said daily still. So yeah anyways, fellas, lets stop with that.
What's interesting about English is that it's one of the only languages that I'm aware of that doesn't have gender-neutral third (or 2nd)-person word. Some have tried to use they, but that word was never meant to be used in that way, especially not in the 2nd-person. I think it's time for a new set of words. Having gender-neutral 2nd and 3rd-person nouns would alleviate a huge problem in KaW - referring to every unknown gendered player as "him/he."
Some are. There are plenty who arent. And while in this case you are liking refering to physical strength, women also have amazing endurance and agilty. Can you triple house back yabadabado flip flop? Yeah I cant either.