Honestly I still find it wrong that someone who claims they are a woman can go into a women's restroom but they are actually a man physically. To prevent this man from feeling like they are being discriminated against they make the many feel uncomfortable to please the few. If a person identifies as a woman then fine by me but if they have a man's body then they should go in the men's restroom. No matter what someone is going to be unhappy so why should people who are within the normal category be penalized because someone who is abnormal feels discriminated against. I have a friend who is transsexual and they don't go around forcing it on others. They say that it's who they are and can't help it but they say it's not normal so before any overly politically correct people come in I am not discriminating I am giving an opinion which someone who is of the minority also believes in.
For one, most of yall are confusing gender "equality" with gender "neutrality".. Should the genders be equal? Absolutely, women deserve same rights as men. Should anyone be able to claim gender neutrality? Absolutely not, it's a disgusting perversion of nature. The only people that should be able to choose their gender are people born as Trans gender. They cannot help the hand they were dealt and should be given the choice. Don't get me started on the damn bathroom thing. When I'm in a department store and my 9 year old daughter has to use the rest room, I take her and stand outside the door and wait. Let a grown ass man who wants to "identify" as a woman try to walk in behind her. We will have problems
If your a guy go to the damn men's bathroom, if your a girl go to the womens. Stop wasting people's brain cells with your stupid cries for attention. There's much more important things to devote our thoughts to.
You are all missing the point here... This is all a plot by the feminists so when there is a line for the ladies room, they can identify as men and use our restrooms! Say no to lines for men's restrooms!
Unless science has a way to give all humans the same parts and keep a means for reproduction then its honestly pretty weird to act like genders don't exist.
Ok time to consider. First Birth defects occur at an alarming rate. The human species is expanding at an unprecedented rate. So does nature make mistakes. Do we have children with Down's syndrome? How about missing limbs? Dyslexia? Name any host of real medical conditions and there is a baby somewhere born with it. And a patient that needs help, support and understanding. So why does it seem any less likely to some. That some people are born with female identifiable markers in their brain but with male organs? How is it possible that some are born with the parts attributable to both genders? ( hermaphrodites ). A Dr normally makes the judgement at birth which gender they should be and operates accordingly. The patient has no choice in what they are. Could you as an adult imagine having a surgeon deciding that he is going to take away your privates and give you no say in that decision? So that considered. In one study of 300 patients that underwent gender reassignment surgery, 297 that were scanned had female markers. The other 3 were incidentally raised by single mothers. But three out of 300 is not reason to state that all such people are perverse. Are we now so close minded that those with medical conditions that we personally don't like, that those people should be forced to suffer for an entire life time when we finally are able to help them to an extent. It's easy to criticise them. They are easy targets. But could you imagine the pain of being a prisoner in your own body. Hating the person that looks at you every day in the mirror? I couldn't. I personally think that it takes a man and a woman to naturally have a baby. That's natural. That's what we are meant to be. But if someone loves someone of the same gender, that doesn't affect me at all. If someone has a medical condition and needs help. Regardless of that condition, they deserve appropriate care and medical attention. Those with a genuine condition need medical treatment and psychological support. Those with purely psychological conditions again need appropriate medical care. Hating someone just because they have an illness is never justified. How much tolerance does it take to let someone else live their life? If they cause no harm and act in a legal appropriate manner. That's their life not yours. Unless you plan on sleeping with them to be honest. It's none of your business. As for public toilets. Just a minor sub note. How many fathers are discriminated against by the baby changing facility being in the ladies toilets? That used to have me fuming. As a society it shouldn't be about this gender or that. No one should get special treatment. What everyone should aspire to ( though we will never have it ) is gender equality. Where everyone is treated with equal respect and dignity.
This very much so sums up my opinion on the subject. In my opinion, there are two genders, male and female. But... At the end of the day, there are more important things to be worried about, like what Cheese said about the various attacks on free speech.
To hell with this PC ******** and fairies. Go **** yourselves. If you have a ******* ***** go to the mens restroom, and vice versa. Grow the **** up already
Ones a personal decision. The other is public perception. We can never Force a person to hold a specific ideal or belief much less gender identity. But as a society we can influence tolerance and equality.
Your trying to lump equality for men and women in with people being able to be whatever sex theyd like and saying basically to not support one is to not support the other. They are nowhere near the same thing. Believing men and women should be treated equal has absolutely nothing to do with gender changes or gender confusion
No. He equated "gender neutrality" with "perversion," and then made a big deal on not wanting to be called out on his opinions. If you want to call something you disagree with a perversion, then do so. It's your opinion. But you can expect, and rightly so, that when you call something as innocuous as an individual's life situation a "perversion," you may be called hateful or bigoted. Deal with it. Save the "cut the ____ phobia crap" rhetoric for situations where you are saying you disagree with something without using specifically hateful labels like "perversions."
how do you encourage a little boy that identifies with being feminine and wants to dress in pink, play with dolls or wear earings, that he has to act as a boy and dress as a boy because society says so. Try and imagine what its like to identify with one gender, but your body is another. its not about mutilation, and very few want that as far as im told. its about letting someone decide for themselves the gender they identify with, not what society tells them too based on body parts. yes ppl should be comfortable in their own body and accept it. unfortunatly, many arent as lucky as we are and actually feel they are in the wrong body. its like saying to a gay guy "hey, your a guy, you gotta accept as a male you have female partners" when you know without a doubt that they would anguish and torment themselves wanting a male partner but having to "accept" that males partner with females and thats just the way it is.
I'm not sure how you can possibly categorize that as a tragedy. Do you think people are transgender to satisfy sexual urges? I don't think you could be more wrong. Not everyone is fortunate enough to be born the right gender. Imagine being trapped inside the wrong body your whole life. Imagine knowing you were somebody else but had to live as the wrong person. Transitioning is still encouraging people to embrace who they are. It just so happens they were born with the wrong body. Who they are as a person and who they are physically do not match. In today's age there are ways to correct that and they have the right to choose to do so if they want to. It's more than just 'cut off your parts'. They finally get to be the person who has been trapped their whole life. How on Earth is that a tragedy? Being trapped, in any sense, is one of the worst feelings in the world. I'd say transitioning and letting them be who they want is better than someone resorting to suicide. That is the real tragedy.
Well screw it let's just throw all the norms out the window and be a truly liberal society. Have a dong and a full beard? Dosnt matter one bit sweety you just gotta check female on this form and that's what you are, you now can go to any bathroom you want, even at reck centers, you go on in the girls dressing rooms sweety. If any father or husband gets pissed well he's a bigot and a sexist and a racist all in one.. Welcome to the new liberal america. Stand for nothing, go with everything. What you thought were morals and being decent are bigotry. Welcome to your america
I'm jed, I'm 52 year old man. I've always felt trapped in this body. I've always known deep down I am a female goat. That's what I was meant to be born as. I've had to live this life trapped as a male human, it's been awful. I can't be happy that I'm healthy, alive, and not impoverished or sickly. No, no, I was meant to be a female goat. If you say I'm gross or weird your a bigot. My neighbor caught me in his barn letting his male goat breed me, he got so mad. But he's just an old conservative bigot and can't understand those that are different. What does it matter that I was born a male human? That's not my choice and not what makes me happy. I was meant to be a female goat. People should award my courage not castigate me. So if I want to identify as this you should all just accept it. It's 2025...people stopped being expected to identify as their born gender years ago, why are we still clinging to this species crap. I want cross species identification just like cross gender identification.
Its already gone to far with people being allowed to identify as something false something they arent, you can be gay cool but i dont support letting people identify and walk into bathrooms with kids and people of opposite genders. Youre born a man or a woman nothing can change that so its sickening to allow people to legally identify as what they arent, its okay if you personally identify as the other gender but it should not be recognized by the government.
Genetics are the basis of life, if you're born with xy chromosomes you are man and if you were born with xx chromosomes you are woman. Simple. I know you can counter my statement with genetic engineering and that is also another controversial topic.