Actually I stand corrected, that HAS happened, interestingly the only ones I can find are since the laws were put to the public, strange how I can't find anything from before, yet after that is 'outed' (hehe) there is suddenly some of these crimes pop up. You could argue that the people attempting to enforce this are indirectly responsible
Well ain't that interesting... I still believe the only solution to any of this is individual toilet cubicles. That reduces the risk for all genders and people, rather than who we pick and choose, and doesn't infringe on any one. It's so simple, really.
I quoted your post, none of this was in that post. Why try to add more? My opinion was based on just what I quoted, now you are trying to bait by adding further arguments.
Soon as this law is past I'm putting a wig on and stalking the women's toilets/changing rooms! You can bet your life on it
I'm not trying to bait you. Your opinion was there are no trans only bathrooms so we should cross that bridge when we come to it. I was only applying that opinion to the scenario I provided. I suppose the question becomes, where do you draw the line? I don't doubt there are people out there who would (and have) dressed as the opposite gender as a means of getting access to males or females. They are a minority of the group but essentially their actions are speaking for the majority...unfortunately I don't believe we can control this.
So bc a very small whiny attention hungry percentage of the population dosnt want to have to choose either the mens or ladies restroom then every buisiness in the country that has public restrooms should have to spend money to convert their two restrooms into many private cubical stalls? Sounds legit lmao
Just like when a tiny whiny part of the population wanted to be allowed to get married the whole country had to adapt. Yeah, it's called equality and is supposed to be a cornerstone (great razors btw) of the American life.
Razor? Explain Two totally different scenarios bud, two men or women getting married afftects noone or nothing adversely really. This bathroom crap would cost buisinesses alot of money, buIsinesses that the majority of do not support the change so your therefore infringing on their beliefs and forcing them to support something wich is just as unconstitutional as yalls complaints
I thought the argument now was to keep the children safe from perverts in public toilets. So now are you going to say that all people should be screened before they use a toilet to ensure they don't have a sexual offence on their record. How do you know who to stop going into the toilets? You'll argue against a minority, and yet the vast majority of sexual offences are committed by people of an established gender. As such surely we should stop all people from going into toilets with children? So how far do you go indeed? New builds have individual cubicles State buildings redesign and in the meantime others use disabled toilets if they are pre op and gender appropriate post op. But if you are going to argue for safety then the next time you stand at a urinal how certain are you the guy one over isn't checking your junk out? But if you want to whip it out in public anyway why not. Heck I have seen Russian toilet blocks mixed genders with no cubicles. So who wants to be the one to say where to draw the line and who gets to go to the toilet in safety. And how come a discussion on genders basically devolves into who is allowed to go to the toilet where? Talk about getting silly
The population of people in the second link seems a bit larger than you put on. There's at least one website dedicated to gifting and receiving. And these are the same folks who want equality at blood banks. Stop minimizing and reinterpreting. Anyone with half a brain can see the sociopathic behavior that comes along with your lifestyle. I encourage you to do more research on both links I posted. Everyone. Be informed, rather than dragged in circles in a debate that goes nowhere. While you're at it, read up on sociopaths.
I think people should be allowed to be who they are and not have to fear persecution and know they live in a world where being straight,gay,transgender is ok and if you don't feel the same way you have some issues your self.
One website? Lol. There are HUNDREDS of websites that advocate and spread sexual abuse, THOUSANDS that celebrate violence, and you're basing your objections to homosexuals on one website? I'm probably far more experienced in mental health disorders than you, Technically my wife is a sociopath. She has Borderline Personality Disorder. "A person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviour." I'm going to add to this, there are lots of websites you can buy people on, babies, children, adults. There are sites purely made for meeting for adult activities, does that mean that all members of the straight 'culture' are perverted? No it doesn't. Also, there is nothing wrong with my lifestyle, you don't have a clue about me, my activities or my interests, just because I'm standing up for a group of people and arguing against ridiculous misconceptions doesn't mean I'm a part of that group.
There is no netural gender imo u are simply one gender who may like one or more genders. Even with an operation that switches u from one gender to the other, no middle ground
I think you may have been looking at it a different way to me serendipity, to me the article said that sociopaths have a greater tendency to be bisexual or homosexual. (Which makes sense, as sociopathic people gain satisfaction from the power and control they get over people, gender is largely irrelevant) I think you took it to mean all bisexual and homosexual people are sociopathic. Btw, sociopathic traits are variable dependent on the society they live in, for example many traditional Islamic people would be classed as sociopaths in the modern world.
I dont recall my post saying one thing about perverts or screening anyone or any of the crap you replied with. All i asked is if buisinesses will be forced to convert existing bathrooms to individual ones. Did you mean to quote someone else?