"Disaster tourists."

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rising_Star, Nov 14, 2015.

  1. #FullSupport
  2. Support
  3. When I found out it happened, via tumblr posts, I started posting help line numbers and resourceful websites, and updates that came out anywhere and everywhere I could think of. I had it all over Facebook, tumblr, various Line groups, other social apps I have.

    I also gave anyone in need a contact to go to if they needed/wanted to offer emergency relocation/safe houses/locations.

    Not all of us posting #PrayForParis are just sitting and aimlessly posting nonsense for the sole reason of feeling modest or like they are making a difference.
  4. Support
  5. Socially. For some its grief or shock management. A way to release feelings. Especially if they are alone at home or work and need a release.

    If it offends you that others feel the need to express a caring attitude, I am sorry you have become so insensitive to the needs of others.

    Yes other events happen that deserve equal media attention.
    Of course home media will show closer incidents as a priority.
    We can't influence the entire world.
    Rather than ranting about people showing emotion in the only limited way they can. Maybe try to understand most are shocked and grieving. Most are incapable of helping directly. And showing the world they care in the only way they can is their coping mechanism.
    I cannot fathom people, If you cannot allow others to grieve and show emotion.
    Why is it so hard to at worst ignore things that you feel the need not to do.
    Their coping and grieving does nothing to harm you.
    Worst case it may influence some people as to how repulsive terrorist actions are.
    Rather than hating others and continuing the cycle of hate. Could you not post a more informative thread showing the other events you feel deserve equal treatment both here and on Facebook twitter etc.
    If the lack of coverage offends you. Do something positive about it.
    You have a free forum here to discuss such things on.

  6. Limited memory frog. You said it offended you that people posted a memorial thread.
    That this is a game and people should not post about real life events because you find it offensive.
    Not my fault you also expressed hatred for Americans especially after Hiroshima.
    Though I give you credit for recognising the failings of your own nations leaders.
    Shame that you have such a limited range of memory and emotion.
    So try not to play the race card, when it was your lack of empathy that was at fault.
    And your desire to troll a memorial thread to victims of a terror attack, rather like this op. rather than just ignore something that for others is a coping mechanism.
    Ps that troll thread kept you off the memorial thread until the day had ended. Perfect bait to move you on. Don't blame the player you got played 
  7. Ayyy its me, troll guy
  8. Morons. Do you know why Moslims are so angry of our media not showing victims in their home country, because they attacked their homes. We did care, it's just the Western media not showing anything about it. Friday's attack was an huge attack INSIDE the borders of france, the last time this happened was at 1945. I don't have to explain what happened there.

    For you who don't understand, this is a direct attack on the Western people, an attack on our HOMELAND. Not an attack in the Mid-East where the media doesn't care about. Now that we see all the images about Paris, we put our #PRAYFORPARIS tags to show OUR support for the French people. It doesn't say we all pray for paris, it says we unite and feel sorry for eachother. All the refugees entering Europe, where is Europe gonna run too if they get attacked? They don't run, they fight back.

    For all you morons who got this big mouth behind their screen, what you are doing is the EXACT thing ISIS wants to do. Read their messages, they want WW 3 where it's all about Muslims vs the world. You people SUPPORT ISIS by posting these threads and make people hate eachother, while we should unite and make a stand against these terrorists.

    But go ahead, think what you think, while you don't know anything about what's happening. I'll speak to you again when they attack your homelands.
  9. So don't blame the people who share nothing but love. Blame the western media not giving a damn about conflicts in the Mid-East!
  10. There goes Optimal posting his long-winded crap again. Americans? I love Americans. Even dated a few in college.

    Optimal is just a pompous idiot who tries to inflate his own importance with fake outrage about what so-and-so wrote. He thinks it justifies his own ineptness regarding helping others.

    Full support OP. Freedom of speech trumps all.
  11. Lol frog always having to resort to attacking the person.
    Not like you have a track history of trying to oppress freedom of speech.
    Oh hang on the crane disaster where 80 plus died. The Saudi worship thread. The London bomb thread. The Paris thread.
    Just because you have no empathy doesn't mean others have to be like you.
    You want freedom of speech free from consequence. Yet all you do is post hatred and bigotry on threads to disrespect the dead.
    It's not my words that shame you. It's your actions. Your words. Pretty sure I still have the ss of some of those pms. But your public hatred condemns you by itself.
    Also pretty sure I have complemented you when warranted when you have made none hate filled posts.
    But if you hadn't mentioned my post I wouldn't have responded to your post. Shame you still have not learnt that freedom of speech works for everyone. They have the right to post their memorial threads.
    If you disrespect them. Don't expect people to think highly of you.
  12. And about you people who say we Western don't care. Go do research and see how many we donate to help rebuild conflict areas. I bet that's more then any continent would.
  13. Rebuild? Donate? Really?
    As far as I know, a powerful and rich nation would only aid a third world country coz it wants to protect its economic and political interest.
    Get real, man. If it's really a donation, it should be free.(Nothing attached).
  14. Sure we would see dollar signs if we donate to the Asian countries damaged by tsunami's. Ofcourse we see dollar signs if we donate for starving kids in Africa. Sure we see dollar signs if we see women and young childeren getting abused in the mid east.

    You are right bro we only want ya money! That's why we donate money?
  15. Ask how much Dubai donates since they all driving a ferrari. Oh wait, you won't hear a thing about that. While you're at it, ask how many refugees went there. Oh we are so evil here in the West
  16. Did you even read my OP or are you an idiot? People who "care" and are expressing that "caring" attitude are just a bunch of disaster tourists. A huge majority of the #prayforparis posters doesnt give a damn about it, they wont sleep any less nor do something useful for the friends/families of the victims. Simply because they act like they care, but in reality they just ride with the social media hype. If you think putting a french flag filter over your pics and posting #prayforparis everywhere is caring and helping then youre dilusional and a massive idiot
  17. Lol, dollar signs, is that how you measure your "donations."? As far I know it's called foreign aid. Of course you will lose a trading partner if that country stays in a collapsed state. Dollar signs? Really? Your very own "currency"? And what would you do to a country which opposes your ideals? Does economic pressure ring a bell?
  18. Nice to see yet another personal attack because you have no evidence you can post to support your opinion.
    And that's all it is. Your opinion of others. Most of whom like myself that you know nothing about. But don't feel to butthurt.
    Those of us that can do something will.
    Those who choose to grieve and offer what little emotional support they can will continue to do so.
    Your hatred and ignorance will be lost and forgotten as the irrelevant nonsense it is.
    In the meantime charities, disaster aid funds, world peace corps and a host of others will continue to do what they can. Ignoring people like you that belittle any offer of help or emotional support that is needed.

    You have no proof whether people truly feel for those who have lost loved ones. Whether people are genuinely shocked that these events continue to happen globally.
    So rather than assuming the worst of people. Maybe you should put your money where your mouth is. Do something to help the victims. Rather than insulting people you don't have a clue about.
  19. Very nice, that would make a good political speech. People who really do help dont brag about how much they have given.