Disable World chat during War option.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Leti, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. Support thats a great idea
  2. Support for all times of kaw
  3. make a list of which people support you, this is a decent idea although the option should be available at all times.

  4. Bump*
    A really great idea
  5. Support an star wars at :00 on world clock
  6. Like it send feed back to devs and derect them to this thread
  7. Like it send feed back to devs and derect them to this thread
  8. Support Fully!

    In Web Browser, I would also like to see World Chat only show world chat messages, not a mix of Clan and World Chat messages.
  9. Thank you aga! Good to see you 
  10. Support to every and any idea of yours Leti :)
  11. Good idea. Too bad devs don't read forums or actually care of what players suggest unless it brings cash flow to ATA. World clock was a good idea that was supported by MANY via forums/wc/emails, though devs never did it..things like that don't make players visit the oracle more often lol sad but it's a waste of time
  12. Support. There should be an option in settings to turn it off at any time, not just wars.
  13.  What he said.
  14. Easy fix, if you want devs to read this follow the instructions below

    Email: support@athinkingape.com
    Title it feedback/suggestions

    Include in the email your player name
    A link to the thread(if no PC accessible use game name->forum->sub forum->post name)
    Give a brief outline of what your suggestion is

    And that should get the devs attention
  15. same as everyone else