Disable World chat during War option.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Leti, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. @ OP and posters. Link your account and war from your computer.

    Computer already has this function. You click " clan chat " and that is all you see.

    I support the idea, but there is already a means to accomplish what the OP wants.

    ️ DD
  2. Lol Leti, I love how you bring up Bacon! Support this concept and fully support Leti!!!!
  3. SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT I've thought about this every war ... Great idea neds implementation now!!'
  4. Full support
  5. Hire me !!!!!! 
  6. Support. Make it a little tab switch that you can turn on and off.

  7. Death_Dealer is right ... but it should be adjusted on idevices, too ... same way like on PC ...
  8. Support much
  9. Support! Preferably as general option.
  10. Full support!!
  11. Thanks everyone 
  12. Support, it sucks when Moose does wc trivia and everyone spams the same answer
  13. Moose sucks 
  14. Awesome idea! Not just for war... all the time.

  15. Support.. a great idea 
  16. I actually though of it, but I am way to lazy to post o.forums, support.