Support. This could also reduce lag on devices during war too. As it would not be receiving tiny packets of information to support the WC constant stream of ads, hire me, buy my allies, and the rest of the crap that gets put in there.
I like the idea but at a computer programmer The comment regarding lag reduction. I'd assume that servers would still have to transmit the data and it would be your device that filters out the wc chat. That could slow certain devices down with another function to perform? Either way there are better solutions to communication in wars The ability to toggle chats is a good one though be nice to see what devs could respond with.
Maybe good if world chat change to war chat after sign up and during war. Chats during war could also looks like following: - War chat (replace world chat) = only auto-reports of KO (good for tracking) - CC = as usual, KO reports + ppl talk - ally chat