Disable World chat during War option.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Leti, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. Support would decrease ads too as not as many people would check wc so you may actually be able to hold a convo in wc
  2. Good idea. Tie it in with woc and/or roster lock.
  3. You could change WC over to a 'war chat' during wars. Where nobody can talk but commanders and trackers. I think that it could be very helpful
  4. I could really see this being helpful. Support.
  5. Not bad. Support

    In Raptor Jesus name, amen

  6. It would be nice to disable world chat or any chat during any time.
  7. Support would be very helpful
  8. That pic cynand support
  9. With number of support, I guess devs would read it.

  10. Support I hate wc
  12. Full
  13. Support fantastic idea