Im waiting for a respons of the devs on all this. Are they going to be honest to us? Tell us their intentions with this game? So we can either stop spending or continue to enjoy this game we love(d)......
I've been playing this game for four years. There have been "KaW is dying threads" since the day I joined forums. Talk about a slow death!
The thread title wasn't "kaw is dying" though. Dis dude just wanna know if the devs give a crap bout da game lul
Not three years the same events. Only say the past year has it been same events. Before that events were more spaced out and different each time.
Full support. It's just kinda boring now. I still play for some reason but it's just the same things over and over. Not sure how to fix it.
There's articles online about it ....ever heard of the Internet? ...Google? Why don't you try them out sometime.
Kaw has always been lots of the same. I do think the devs need to change up the events and space them out more. I like most of the community used to look forward to events whereas now we expect them to start a new event within a week of one ending.
Right now their neck is on Smash Monsters due to the horrible reviews of that game. ATA has multiple games, But trying to keep them all alive is the hardest part.
I think the devs took a stupid pill, removing resets ? A lot of us had 1.5 trill reset bombs that were turned into duds, did they offer up the gold in lieu of making them worthless ? No Morons