Diaries of Strangers Short descriptions Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Storallelite, Jan 22, 2011.

  1. I have an 800 word section that I could post, but... Well, I'm kinda comfortable right now and no where near a computer so... Later.
  2. Lol I write everything on my iPod using noted
  3. I used to do that, but I could never really get a feel for how long my chapters were... Now I use a computer! I'm hoping to buy my own laptop soon, so then I have no excuses!;)
  4. Ah true, it takes longer too and more finger work lol
    But I try to write as much as possible and hope that it's long
  5. Go Stora! Work those fingers!
  6. What keeps you writing, Stora?

    What keeps me writing is anticipation of my planned ending!
  7. Hmmm well in the beginning it's because I need to get the idea out of my head, then it's because I want to write...then it's because people read it...if people don't read it then I see no point in continuing after that Part of the reason why I cut the memorial house and flower shop and Lores' creation and Mystery time travel and almost killed or tried to kill my alliance thread...lol
  8. Writing because people read is a bit unreliable... Oh well.

    So do you think I should create The Character Smoothie Shop?
  9. Yes u should marian but create it in the SuperThread
  10. But if I create it in the super thread, the super thread will no longer have one purpose and it would get confusing!
  11. It was created for several purposes though
  12. Lol yeah, but my mood also and the music I'm listening to ATM also effects a lot.
    YES YOU SHOULD!!! Create the smoothie shop! Everyone needs npc's for stories! (Well I do anyway)
  13. I still think I'll make it a separate thread. And I think i will Stora. I'll need help with the flavors though...
  14. Hehe I'm willing to help!...and being hungry also helps food creativity lol
  15. Yeah, it sure does! I refuse to commit to anything until I wake up tomorrow morining though..: sowwy!
  16. Wall me whenever u need some ideas...I've had a larger appetite lately so...lots of ideas concerning food lol
  17. Nice! I sure will wall you if I'm stumped! I'm gonna make a menu with lots of possible suggestions before I post the actual thread, do you agree with this decision?
  18. Yup thumbs up