devs why no-match but matched

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xFx_Delta_xFx, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. Zag if you read the thread you suggested you will find me there as well. No response to either thread. Please think or understand whole situation before posting. You coulda savedbyourself a post if you actually read the post you suggested. PS ty for bump
  2. You're welcome
  3. So they can have a better chance at winning

    Sry didnt really understand what u were trying to say.What happened is a bit confusing
  4. To hopefully add a little clarity to my friend wwz's thread after waiting 20min for a match they matched against chronos. According to the devs they were of close stats but it was a slaughter war. Assuming it was another bad match they just blew it off. Then when devs posted week 4 war 13 both ---insert-pickle-here---(wwz's clan) and chronos battleground were both highlighted in dark red indicating NMF by the devs. So this thread isn't complaining just asking for clarity on the confusion and to inform devs just incase there is a big in the system that caused it.
  5. Devs please respond. I'm begenning to care as much about the game as you do, which seems to be very little.