Dev's please fix this out dated war system!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Arrogant_Sutt, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. Fixing the outdated plunder situation is still likely the "easiest" fix... Yet, many have been calling for this for over a year (s2 was just begininng) and no change yet.
  2. Wolfe. I want to thank you for keeping this post alive. The guy with a inactive spell and 1 piece of war equipment calling me a noob. That's really funny to me. I think this is just over your head. Reducing plunder would not fix anything. The lb/sh would still be the norm. The reason sh is used is not to plunder. The sh is used to reduce the roster cs. This way they match a clan warring with mostly mids. The bigs eat up the top of the other roster and the sh hit the bottom. But you are so stuck on the plunder issue because the sh tear you up. just grow and they will leave you alone.
  3. It's honestly amazed me all the stuff I've read about not enough pvp n the sh plunder issue.
    It seems like an obvious kill 2 birds w one stone scenario, lots of people dislike sh lots, and complain about not enough pvp.
    As if nobody's made a clan that strips sh.
    Let's be honest you got 100's of accounts w 5 tril or more in allies w no means of actually holding them. They exist because the player population as a whole allow them too.
    Sure they've prob got a main somewhere That may object to this TADA there's more pvp for y'all that wanted it.
    Obviously the devs aren't gonna do much about this the players who own then obviously aren't. So why doesn't everybody who really objects to this build give them a little persuasion or incentive to grow,.
    Rather then make countless threads about the issue you the kaw populace take some initiative n be the solution.
    Tbh at this point I don't really care either way, but I figured I just throw this out there, it's seemed like a blatantly obvious solution to me for a long time.
  4. I think sutt has a point. Mainly I like the idea of mixing it up so that it allows us to use our own clans for wars with allies and euip and levels the playing field a bit.