Re: The KaW Handbook By the way please point out my mistakes so I can edit them... Other then then sub
Re: The KaW Handbook Wars do not start 12-14 hours after accepted and some of your abbreviations and junk are wrong. xD
Re: The KaW Handbook And btw once I'm uber rich I plan to put how much 1 building gives you for stats.
Re: The KaW Handbook I said 'and junk' meaning those kinda things..ya know. Like 'keep' doesn't necassarily mean to have possession of a 'vollied' ally.
Re: The KaW Handbook Usually it does though.... When you say "dillybar to 10bil I keep" it usually means that you're ending up with the possesion of the ally
Re: The KaW Handbook Epic post!!!! I was thinking if doing this but now I don't have to needs a sticky asap!!!!
Re: The KaW Handbook Great unique guide amongst others, my clan guide might want to be added into links.. That is all