Dev's, please consider this

Discussion in 'Wars' started by III--Arbiter_of_Justice--IlI, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. agreed!!!!!!!!! Even no idea what yall' are talking bout'

  2. stop complaining guys!! this is just a "WAR TEST" its not officially approved.
  3. Well here goes my attempt at making suggestions to improve the new system.

    -eliminate the one hour wars, that is not enough time to adequately determine who the better clan is, spamming potless failed attacks to sko is not war. If you must keep the 1 hour wars keep them as is that is the best possible system for a 1 hour war.

    -2 hour wars require a longer regen time, somewhere in the 12-20 minute range to avoid a 2 spam sko.

    -while people are saying war builds are obsolete and the eb plunder build is the way to go, I strongly disagree. We warred a plunder build clan and we nearly tripled their plunder in a hour, in a two hour war it would have been awful.

    -ideally I would like to see a revision of the season 1 system allowing a slightly longer random regen time. If the wars use same format as season 1 but have a variable option to come out of ko when you choose I think this should eliminate all the problems you are seeing. Yes, inexperienced or unprepared clans will still take a healthy beating but that is unavoidable in war, someone has to lose and most seem to be forgetting that little fact. Make a choice do you want to plunder on ebs or war? Don't punish clans that have solid strategy and builds for war because others are unwilling to sacrifice plunder, I personally do not like making 25m first hit on haunting with level 5 EE but sacrifices must be made if you want that pretty purple gear.

    Lets give actual suggestions to improve wars and not be stuck in the past and whining about things we have little control over.

  4. Some people either can't read or just can't get it through their heads. Ok, gonna put this slow & in plain English, THEEEESE AAAARE JUUUST TRIIIAAALS. THEEYY AAARE NOOOT THE NEEEEW WAAAR SYYYYSTEEEEM. WAAARS THIIIIS WEEEEK WIIIILL BEEEEE DIIIIFFEEEREEENT FROOOOM WHAAAAT THEEEEY WEEEERE THIIIIS PAAAAST WEEEEEK BEEEEECAAAAUUUUUSE THE DEEEVS SAAAIIIID THEEEEIIIIIR TRYYYYYIING DIIIIFFEEEEREEENT THIIIIINGS TOOOO FIIIIIND THIIIIINGS THAAAAAAT WOOOORK. I hope that's slow enough. Either do the wars & give them your feedback through the proper channels or don't do them & quit b!tching people. You're messing up the entertainmententertainment value of forums between regens. That is all. Happy Kawing to the literate & illiterate alike. :)
  5. No support to OP
    Screw ur computer timer programs
    (Big middle finger)
    Keep regens random and level the playing field
  6. Those that assume I'm whining clearly didn't read the op. I never whined. Mearly asked for support.
  7. Btw, lethal about the proper channels, this is the proper channel. I will also email the Devs, once I have sufficient support. I have dealt with the des before, they will ask me to post my use in forums.
  8. No support, the new system is a nice change to the game, if you guys dont like change your obviously playing the wrong game.... war change is always going to happen...... so like it or quit warring....simple
  9. There is a third option besides war in a broken system and don't war at all. Fixing the war system so that it is a better system is another option, and I choose that one
  10. Again, I could actually see how this new system would be fun... My clan has won every one of these new wars that we did. It's just not as fun, and I prefer the old wars. If we stick to these new ones, that's fine,I'll still war, but the old system is better.
  11. No matter what is done with EE season 2 the same clans will win as season 1 and the same clans will lose. If you aren't willing to change your builds and change your strategy you will still fail epically. Anyone notice how all the same clans that were winning before are still winning??? Randomly popping out of ko will not help you, go suck on your thumbs and cry some more, I hear the red paladin loves feeding on the tears of the butt-hurt
  12. My only complaint with the changes is the one hour wars, way too chaotic to be considered a legit test of war skills... Eliminate the one hour wars and increase the random ko time from 5-10 to 12-18 and problem solved