Dev's, please consider this

Discussion in 'Wars' started by III--Arbiter_of_Justice--IlI, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. I keep reading and the people who hate the new way are saying that you purposely lose attacks. Last like I checked if you lose you do not gain plunder. Ok there are the few times in a war where a lose gets you a ko. That will never be enough to win in a plunder war. So I believe your off base here. Will the big clans adapt. I sure hope so. There is a reason they became powerhouses. But I am tired of reading this you have to lose actions to win the war. Again I like the change but would like to see the ko times extended which only will work in a 2 hour war.
  2. Bare in mind that these have only been tests
  3. Again, not gloating, merely providing a background to let you all know that I'm not a butt hurt loser lol.
  4. I don't see any whining in the OP's post. He stated his opinion on the matter. If you have the opposite opinion then that's fine too. State it. I'm sure the devs would come a lot closer to listening to either side of the argument if the posts are constructive. No
  5. OP is very careful not to whine. This has been a decent supplement to the kaw_admin threads on the Catechism Wars.
  6. Have to agree with Penguin. I won both wars that were held yesterday (warring at Kings War) and even led the 2 hour war. In all honesty, if you have a clan that can sko, you win. Make as much plunder as you can at the opening and crystal if and when your opponent does, then 2-4 attacks 2-3 steals and you're back in sko. I understand these are tests, and that it's the first week. We will just have to see what, if any, changes the Devs make for next week.
  7. I like the new system style simply because it's a change.

    Old one would get boring if:
    A) you were getting destroyed
    B) you were destroying and fighting to find open targets

    This creates the element of surprise, and I'll admit, I do get a lot more pissed when I suddenly get hit. Advantage goes to the attacker from sko. Instead of the advantage to the guy simply sitting on the guy in sko.

    People don't like this idea because:
    They aren't as good as they once were because they're trying to adapt to this new war style. Don't like? Don't war.
  8. If this is the system they go with that won't last long
  9. Wakebuster, you misunderstand. As I said, it's not an issue of us not being as good. We have a strategy and it seems to be working. It's just not as FUN as the previous system.
  10. Again, agreeing with Penguin on this one too Wake. I do just fine with the new system. Hell, I may do better than most. But I don't see how you find this more fun. To each their own I guess, but to me, the old system was fun. And before you say that it took no skill to sit on a clan, or some such comment, it took a lot of skill for the trackers like myself that used pen, paper, and cc history to do it all. I loved every second of those wars.
  11. SUPPORT TO OP, these new wars are trash, plus they incentivize less usage of xtals, so less profit for you devs.
  12. hmm. Well the original comment on my thread from Kaw admin was to introduce times for players to come out of ko instead of it automatic. however, I hoped for it to be after 15-20 minute window instead of five. I don't know why kaw-admin thinks it will be so much fun to fight without our builds and rely on bfe/bfa only. Why the hell did we build this builds in the first place? I say keep the self-determination, but raise the level to after 15-20 min. In short, I don't support the OP.
  13. Of course Phil 1 hour wars wouldn't work with longer knockout times
  14. That's true iSplat. Shorter wars wouldn't work with longer ko timers
  15. And why wouldn't they? Don't get koed.... Also 2 crystals if u really want a blitz ... Would have stopped the onslaught at the start people would have been more careful
  16. But 2 hour wars were short enough ... I liked the 4 hour ones heck would have loved a 6 hour one
  17. I guess ANY negative feedback is "whining" to some of you. When your the only ones actually whining, about others voicing their opinions on test wars that are being ran for that very reason, as a test and they ask for feedback to fix and change things.

    @ frog, you said its only the strong rancor clans "complaining" none of us are complaining were simply stating that the old system was better, and most of us have won and still don't like it
  18. Pls look into the war time, 1
  19. I liked the new system. Its fun to try new stuff so though i enjoyed the last rancor season hope the devs wont bring back the same thing again