Dev's, please consider this

Discussion in 'Wars' started by III--Arbiter_of_Justice--IlI, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. @strategy

    Sorry but you ain't making sense. Why would I be in pin the whole war if the new system lets me decide when to come out of pin? How is being pinned the whole war any different for weaker clans then it is now?
  2. @ penguin

    So basically you say the system sucks and you wanna conduct a poll to get others to tell the des it sucks. Lol biased much?
  3. I know for me it did take strategy. Scanning for targets vs being told who was week because they just came out of ko. Very few war were competitive. It was mostly one sided. Maybe 1 of 5 were close. This makes the start very important. The two hour wars should be a longer ko time so you can regen more. That I agree with, but the pick ur time to come out of ko is great. I can see how anyone can have a real reason to say that's bad unless the tricked the system to always be on the right side of a terrible match up.
  4. It seems to me more like station is upset because his strategy fails in the new format. Everything you've written illustrates an irrational hatred for the new system based on your own insecurity with it. Adapt or complain... I suppose it's a tough choice, huh?
  5. Obviously I'm biased... I wouldn't have posted a thread otherwise. Regardless, the best thing to do would be to put it to a vote so that the Devs can please as many people as possible. If you think it is so great, then I guess the poll would reflect that, right?

    On another note, my clan's strategy is clearly working... we are 2-0
  6. I prefer the pick ur own time coming out of war an 1 hour sounds exciting can't restrict cc 'live time' posts in cc becomes faster then the update yet still slow on inc

    I'm thinking...

    Though I haven't tried the new war style

    If everyone post who up an who's possible bout to go down they will keep there plunder rolling while the other part runs there strategy while trying to keep someone up to score plunder

    Score Big plunder or YOU LOSE

    same objective
  7. You never did the old wars. You haven't tried the new wars.
  8. Our clan is 2-0 in new format and most in our clan do not seem to care for it. A few mentioned that the blitz was a neat change of pace. Entire clan couldn't wait for the 2 hour war to end.
  9. Even though I lost, I like the new one better. The lag is much reduced as you don't have an entire clan spamming you as soon as their timer goes off.

    Plus even though you might not get to do, to much, getting the chance to actually hit (even if only twice) is a huge step up from waiting to find out that you have already been pinned every 15 minutes.

    That being said, the Devs stated that they were going to test things out. So next weeks wars could be different formats. Until they announce the new official season, you should embrace the chance to try new things.
  10. U guys don't seem to answer the question, why is an entire clan sitting on you??? Because they beat u I'm the initial volley. And vs good clans they may only have 3 up after 1st update. If you have 15 sitting on you, you have been outplayed. Use a few xtals to mess up their timing. It seems the people that mostly like it have been pinned alot. All clans get pinned and sat on. You need to decide when u want to change the pin to your own sit with xtals. So much fun strategy lost in this format. Assns are irrelevant now. That's a massive part of the previous wars. Spies are completely irrelevant now.
  11. @ Rude / It seems like you are saying that everyone who doesn't do it your way sucks ass. Not everyone can win all the time.

    War is chaotic ... Just like life you can't have a guaranteed plan for everything. But you can hit the ice cream shoppe and try a new flavor sometimes.

    So why don't you let everyone try these different formats that the devs are throwing out, and then you can tell us all how awesome you are.
  12. Penguin - id suggest be careful of gloating, or you may find yourself in real osw not a 2 hour we got lucky war. I followed you so you have a link - anytime you think your good enough, use it.
  13. Lol bet they'd drop him in a heartbeat if a legit osw was at their door
  14. Lmao, penguin but so many ppl are enjoying this new system, welcome to the new kaw this is what it feels like to have played for over 3 years and the developers just keep making the changes
  15. Devo please re read that. This isnt sbout me or my clan. I've been sat on a whole war too. Several. We were also out warred from the start. I'm just analyzing these wars. I'm sorry if u read something into it that wasn't there. The fact remains everyone starts out full. If a clan at even numbers kos an entire clan they have outplayed them initially. With the new system you want to get kod. Why on earth in a war Woukd anyone want to be killed?? It goes against the spirit of wars.
  16. Early indications seem to favour attack builds or at least an attack strategy. I guess it's possible that turtling could become an issue, but we'll need several more wars to see how the reality looks.

    I still think the elephant in the corner of the room has nothing to do with the new (or old) features. It's the fact that the devs are still not factoring in BFE in the match calculations. NO match based system can sustain that level of disparity.
  17. Here's the war build of the future if this travesty of a system remains. T5bc oaf: 7.2M/7.2M/40k/40k. Makes sko faster and more effective. Don't need to get failed spy actions in.
  18. Pumm, that's not worse than the GH aberration. Scratch that, it's preferable. 
  19. Bring back old system Wars - and mix With new ee Wars ! 20% regen out of pin ! No ko or sko! And no outside hits or inside hits ! What you think