Dev's, please consider this

Discussion in 'Wars' started by III--Arbiter_of_Justice--IlI, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. Willy, why don't you try the war before you start giving your opinions. You say you like the changes that they are exciting, Are you kidding me? Having the first 5 minutes decide the winner of a war is exciting to you? Turtling to win so the enemy team cant earn any plunder on you to catch up is exciting? I'm sorry but you clearly have no idea what your talking about, There is nothing about this system that is exciting, or difficult to figure out, Its just a plunder race and turtle fest. I saw first hand since I actually tried the system before commenting on it.

    Also if you have tried them yourself yet, you would notice how very little hansels are even needed for these wars. A clan of all attack builds unloading their troops for max plunder, and turtling to victory will win every time. That does not require any skill, or good strategies. A good war should incorporate ALL build styles each having their own strengths. The war I was in today was won without even using any xtals, If the devs enjoy the money they make by having people use 2 xtals per war, it wont take them long to realize this system sucks, and they made much more money off of the old style wars, due to more xtalling and more participation. Regardless the majority of players do not like this system and realize how much of a complete failure it is, that being the devs shouldn't find it too hard to make a decision on which one to go with, unless they want to lose more than half of there paying war community.
  2. Suggested format

    1hr war

    (5-10)min-20min regen
    I'd say 5-20 min personally.
    1 xtal
    Mith the same
    2hr war
    1 5 min-(20-25) min regen
    I'd say Twenty
    Mith the same
  3. What's this? All the strong clans are whining in the forums after one war? Adapt or die, dude. No support for this whiner.

  4. I thought this was a great change. When you get a horrible match up, it doesn't let the bigger. Team sit on the other clan. It stops the getting raped as u come out of ko. I know the very good rancor teams will not like this system. But warring on both sides of bad match ups I thing this is a great step in the right direction.
  5. @ arrogant

    exactly . This is just the big rancor clans complaining that they devs are not kissing their butt at the moment. So sad the OP had to start whining after only one war.
  6. One u eb/ee noobs probably won't like

    48 hr war

    Member size
    20-80 clans size
    [Reason 67v68 is easily better than 27v28
    ALSO involves whole clan so no winging about having to wait 48 hours]
    Ko time = 0-20min
    Current ee mechanics on DTW/DTS
    Usual xtal daily limit
    Mith payout is 2x what it is now
  7. Keep the 1hr blitz and give them their 2hr rancor style. Let the people decide which style they like by how many will participate
  8. Why do people assume all weren't active in rancor wars for the whole two hours... My clan they were... Maybe this is why u guys couldn't win ?
  9. I believe EE wars in general suck in comparison to osw.
  10. All Bs aside I do not see the issue. Adapt to new systems and keep warring. Quit crying every time something new is introduced. It makes any argument you make invalid.
  11. I do think they should get rid of less lost when you sko
    This would fix the issue about a turtle war i hink
  12. One big problem:

    LAG ... same old problem. I cant tell when inc is coming in until 50% of troops are gone. I can deal with it but it takes a lot away from the game and especially this system IMO
  13. Lol frog and no remorse ... If they run this system for a couple of weeks and the better clans adapt to it ur life will suck so much worse... Not only will u be in pin the whole war u won't make any plunder at all... Just wait and see... The clans that have been doing ee have a very good understanding of the mechanics and how to adapt to them .. The problem is we all know how boring these will be once the clans adjust for it ... This will lead to far less doing ee then u getting ur butts kicked and being sat on a couple wars... Again commit to a ee build learn the mechanics get a good strategy and then u wouldn't have those issues ... Plenty of wars durning the season where very close and very little time durning the close matches was anyone being tracked or sat on cause u couldn't or u countered so they couldn't ... In this system there will be no room for any of that
  14. And the same problems we already had are still apparent in this system ... Miss matches ... People complaining lag and other server issues .. If matching was priority concern for the devs them most of the issues would have worked out.. The rest would just have been people who were to stupid or lazy to figure out how to give urself a chance to win
  15. No response hiney. If you feel so strongly about the old system wait til it comes back. I could care less either way honestly. I'm gonna continue warring win or lose regardless of changes made.
  16. Shut up OP.
    Stop whining
    It's a new way to play the game so why don't you learn it rather then being a little ***** about it. Thx

  17. Agree chaos
  18. You all must not understand me... I'm not complaining, and we CAn adapt... we won our first war, and will win many in the future... I just don't think this system is as good as the previous one. That's why I advocate for a community poll. If it really is just the big EE clans, the poll will reflect that.
  19. I like it. I would rather choose when to come out of ko than be timed and sat on a whole war.