Dev's, please consider this

Discussion in 'Wars' started by III--Arbiter_of_Justice--IlI, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. Oh I can't wait Willie signed up for this debacle .... I can't wait for the post war pots lol
  2. 66 clans signed up for first one, 35 for the more popular time slot. I think you have the verdict on new system
  3. Want to hear ur thoughts after u try this cluster ....
  4. You were dead set against any of the changes made in EE prior to even trying it. No doubt.

    It's easy to get on that train, when a high percentage of forumers enjoy arguing and ******** on ideas that they're allowed to give a test run, prior to trying it.

    Don't lump me into your closed-mindedness. I like the changes.

    I'm not going to disclose some of the strategies you will need to implement if the changes stick, but lets say there are some build changes coming.
  5. So everyone saw relentless call himself an idiot right? :lol:
  6. Willy, you are criticizing others who are saying negative things about the system before trying it, but you say you support the changes before you have tried them... Hypocritical much?
  7. I didn't say I supported them prior to trying them.

    After war #1, I can see the chaos that is going to be the "Blitz" war.

    It's insane.
  8. Reading this after one war is rather pathetic. The only way this game improves is to test, test, and test more. If you are looking for some strategic fighting feel free to hit me after this EE ends.
  9. Lol I'm not jumping on any train... As soon as I saw it I knew it was crap... Also I already had the build needed for this .... And I have the foresight to know this set up will kill ee for all organized clans ... I didn't Need to do it I knew how it would play out ... But I am interested in ur thoughts after u do 1 and see the mess it creates
  10. This system won't test right unless its used for weeks ... It took that long for the first ones to be sorted out... That being said the better clans who will put up with the headaches this one causes will still kill noob clans cause the real issues haven't been dealt with ... Tho I still really think the devs did this one weekend to show people how bad an idea it truly was
  11. Variable entry times certainly added to the chaos. Definitely need a few more wars to form a proper opinion.
  12. Right. My point exactly.

    The "organized clan" that I am in did really well.

    I will try it and derive my opinion of the war after I participate...with an open and studied view. Which, will likely take a few wars to be able to know weather or not I like it or not.

    I lurked this afternoon during our war, and the strategies have changed. Adaptation is a trait successful clans have been able to adopt. I am pumped to see what comes of the changes.

    Players that have cried about this should realize that the first EE season gradually lost attendance because so many clans switched their builds and created the best roster for success, discouraging aspiring clans from joining in fear of a horrible mismatch. If we repeated that season, it would be a snooze-fest, and it would have killed it.

    I like the changes. You now have to recreate your strategy. It's exciting.
  13. This new way of warring has made me discouraged and not wanting to war..This is how my experience went with war 1..I made 30 actions to start war then for next full Hour i spammed attack button while our opponents would just sko out of pin.I think I got 2-3 more actions off in the hour and was never Koed once and lost lol....In my opinion spamming attack button trying to get a single hit for an hour is not my kind of war...I hope they go back to season one war system..
  14. That really does make a lot of sense.
  15. How about we just keep the 1hr and the 2hr rancor style.. Why does it have to be one or the other
  16. Yes. The initial impact is the deciding factor in the blitz war. I'm not sure if this is going to work this way.

    I'm thinking the troop level needs to be higher coming out of pin, but that regen period is too long for a 1 hour war.

    Perhaps increased amount of troops per regeneration, this way it gives the opponent an increased chance in KO'ing someone, and vice-versa, giving the player coming out of pin a chance to make more plunder, or score a quick KO.
  17. Sorry but Relentless your the idiot. The devs need our feedback to know what is and isn't working. You don't want to hear it, do us all a favor and get off the forums instead of whining about it. This new system is terrible and it takes the skill out of warring completely. I warred tonight and won and still think its awful, Whoever gets the most plunder in the first 5 minutes can turtle to victory This should and needs to be addressed so that they can do the right thing, and go back to the Rancor war system.
  18. Is it so hard for all members to track and hit targets? That's all this style pushed. Trackers were useless and that's great in my opinion. Forced all to be active and not wait for someone to call targets. Find your own targets